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Follow Up to NYC Exchange Users Group

We had a great discussion Tuesday evening around the native spam fighting features in Exchange 2003 and the additional functionality of the Intelligent Message Filter (IMF is available as a free download at ). Thnaks to everybody that came out and participated in the conversation.

As I mentioned, you can get more information and review our discussion at

Two really exciting things are happening with NYExUG, in the comming months. In September NYExUG will be sponsoring an Exchange Certification workshop. Pick up tips to help you pass the tests and get certified on Exchange 2003.  .

Also, over the next few months we'll be reading and discussing Paul Robichaux's Secure Messaging in Exchange 2003, from MS Press. Go get it, read it and join us in the discussion, right here on my blog!


  • Anonymous
    August 11, 2005
    I enjoyed your discussion on IMF. Please post the details for the Exchange Certification workshop as I look forward to attending. Thanks for posting the tnt1-132 webcast.