Links to exception-handling resources
In-depth Articles-
- [Matt Pietrek] Internals of SEH.
- [Matt Pietrek] Vectored Exception Handling.
- [Chris Brumme] Managed Exception Model.
- [Jeremy Gordon] SEH for assembler programmers.
- [Gaurav Khanna] How CLR maps SEH exceptions to managed exception types.
Tips and Tricks-
- [Raymond Chen] Sucking the exception pointers from a stack trace.
- [Mike Stall] Finding where unmanaged exceptions come from.
- [Gregg Miskelly] Debugging an UEF.
- [Skywing] Debugging a custom UEF.
- [MSDN] Identifying original culprit stack when UEF is on stack.
- [Zhanli] Adding vectored handlers and UEFs.
- [Chris Brumme] Unhandled Exceptions.
- [Gaurav Khanna] Unhandled exception processing in the CLR.
- [Skywing] Beware of Custom UEFs in DLLs.
- [Skywing] You might be using UEFs without even knowing it.
- [Andrew Pardoe] Handling corrupted state exceptions
- [Andrew Pardoe] ThreadAbortException
- [Gaurav Khanna] Catch, Rethrow and filters - Why you should care
- [Mike Magruder] The good and the bad of exception filters
- [Andrew Pardoe] Why catch(Exception)/empty catch is bad
- [MSDN] SEH (C++ reference)
- [MSDN] Exception Handling (x64)
- [MSDN] Managed Exceptions
- [MSDN] Managed Exceptions (development guide)
- [MSDN] Search and unwind algorithm reference