Install the OS and enable roles |
Run Time: 9:59 In this session we walk through the installation of Windows Server 2008 R2 and how to enable the Hyper-V sole on your test server. |
The Hyper-V MMC |
Run Time: 16:25 In this episode we walk through the Hyper-V Manager MMC console and explore the settings configuration dialogue including some focus on storage. |
Virtual Network Manager |
Run Time: 16:23 This session is focused on advanced networking configuration. What exactly happens when you create a new virtual network? What does the “allow management of…” checkbox actually do? How do you configure VM’s to associate with VLANs? All these questions are addressed in this short video! |
How to add/remove storage, hot! |
Run Time: 4:05 Hyper-V R2 has support for adding and removing storage while the virtual machine is running. So how do you do it? Very short video walk-through including real time visibility of the disk appearing and disappearing from a Win7 virtual machine. |
Configuring Linux VMs |
Run Time: 17:28 I can borrow from Shai Ofek for this one, as he has already published a thorough walk-through including mouse integration. |
Microsoft and Wyse - Better Together in Education |
Run Time: 57:06 This is a video archive of a joint webcast I delivered with a really great manager at Wyse. We did our best to explain how Microsoft technology can be used to build infastructures to support thin client envrionments in Education. 3 scenarios are presented and each is broken down by cost per student. |