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Business Scorecard Manager and Microsoft CRM

One of my things to play with as things quiet down at the office in between the 25th and 1st, would be Business Scorecard Manager. I think it is a natural fit between CRM and BSM. So for those of you interested in BSM and CRM, here are some BSM Resources that are FREE!!!! :-)

The best way to do this is to use the training made available through msreadiness. It’s free to your customers/prospects, it’s interactive and recorded AND being run by the same folks that did our in depth in person airlifts.

Training Kit

Introduction (Dec 5)

BSM Builder Fundaments (Dec 7)

BSM Builder Advanced (Dec 8)

Report Views (Dec 12)

Scorecard Views (Dec 14)

Deploying Scorecards to SharePoint SQL Reporting Services (Dec 15)

BSM Server & Security (Dec 19)

Extensibility (Dec 20)

Sales Kit

§          Intro Demo

§          Data Sheets

§          Press and Analyst Coverage

§          Business Whitepapers

§          Technical Whitepapers

§          Trial Software

Business Scorecard Manager 2005 website @