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Books for Microsoft CRM around Selling and Customization

So I have been making it a practice to start reading materials outside of my day job on a regular basis. Most of the time I have been doing CD's which allows me to listen while driving to customers and partner locations. (Which officially makes my car the world's most expensive full range audio system for listening to poorly recorded Audio Books.) So since it takes me a few weeks to go through a book, this will happen on a irregular basis. :-)

Since most sales people have a bad case of AADD, I am listing the book for them up front... The geek book is a little further down. :-)

Sales Book

Killing the Sale

There are approximately 12.2 million salespeople in the United States-that's about 1 out of every 23 people! Salespeople are everywhere, selling everything imaginable. Some are making a killing, but a greater percentage end up victims of the sales industry-and their own mistakes. Some are normal bumps in the road toward success. Others are more damaging. But many are fatal to a career.

Duncan addresses these catastrophic mistakes with clarity and directness. Whether you're a seasoned sales professional or someone considering sales as a career, Duncan's wisdom can help you avoid errors in perception, practice, and performance that could not only kill a sale but also your career.

He also has a pretty cool website with the top ten mistakes on it and some ways you can avoid them. Click here for that.


I have to admit something. I HATE writing code. Not only that I am not very good. :-) I am much better at taking somebody else's code and molding it to my idea. So after swearing I was going to learn, JavaScript and actually know what I was talking about, I did. :-) About six books later and I am now fairly comfortable. :-) This one is my favorite so far. It is a collection of about 200 or more JavaScripts that I can steal and adapt for CRM's use. One of them is an email validation code, I should be posting next week.


Geek Book

Javascript in 10 Easy Steps

If you are looking to add exciting interactivity to Web pages and need a quick and easy understanding of the technology in order to do so, then this book is for you–whether you’re new to JavaScript or you need a refresher on every-thing from validating user input forms to creating menu trees. Open the book and you’ll discover clear, easy-to-follow instructions for more than 250 key JavaScript tasks, each presented in ten quick steps–or less. Easy-to-navigate pages, lots of screen shots, and to-the-point directions guide you through every common (and not so common) JavaScript challenge–and help you get more done in less time.

  • Each solution is ten steps–or less–to help you get the job done fast
  • Self-contained two-page spreads deliver the answers you need–without flipping pages
  • A no-fluff approach focuses on helping you achieve results
  • A resource packed with useful and fun ways to get the most out of JavaScript
  • Make it simple and get productive fast!– download ready-to-use source code for each task from the book's companion Web site
