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"Intelligent teknik" tar över i Microsofts tekniska vision för framtiden

 Följ med bakom kulisserna på TechForum där Microsofts strategiska och tekniska vision för framtiden diskuterades denna vecka. TechForum är en årlig sammankomst som arrangeras av Craig Mundie som är senior rådgivare till Microsofts VD Steve Ballmer, och Eric Rudder, Microsofts chef för teknisk strategi.

 Naturliga gränssnitt och Big Data är två tekniska utvecklingsområden som ligger bakom vad Microsoft ser som början till en ny värld av "intelligent teknik”.

 Mundie and Rudder hade sällskap av bland annat Kurt DelBene som leder Microsofts Office-division, Skypechefen Tony Bates och forskningschefen Rick Rashid.


Craig Mundie, senior advisor to the CEO, shows attendees diverse workstations in a Microsoft Envisioning Center scenario demo at TechForum 2013.

Diverse Workstations Scenario

March 04, 2013

Craig Mundie, senior advisor to the CEO, shows attendees diverse workstations in a Microsoft Envisioning Center scenario demo at TechForum 2013.

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Bongshin Lee of Microsoft Research demonstrates SketchInsight, an interactive whiteboard system for storytelling with data through real-time sketching.

Interactive Whiteboard System SketchInsight

March 04, 2013

Bongshin Lee of Microsoft Research demonstrates SketchInsight, an interactive whiteboard system for storytelling with data through real-time sketching.

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Microsoft Research project SketchInsight uses and extends the narrative attributes of whiteboard animation with interactive information visualization techniques to create a new, engaging form of storytelling with data.

SketchInsight Provides Interactive Information Visualization

March 04, 2013

Microsoft Research project SketchInsight uses and extends the narrative attributes of whiteboard animation with interactive information visualization techniques to create a new, engaging form of storytelling with data.

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Eric Rudder, chief technical strategy officer (left), and Craig Mundie, senior advisor to the CEO, talk in the kitchen of the new Microsoft Envisioning Center at TechForum 2013.

Rudder & Mundie in Kitchen of Microsoft Envisioning Center

March 04, 2013

Eric Rudder, chief technical strategy officer (left), and Craig Mundie, senior advisor to the CEO, talk in the kitchen of the new Microsoft Envisioning Center at TechForum 2013.

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Julia White of the Office Division at Microsoft shows how new features of Microsoft Office enable collaborative multi-party conference meetings.

Microsoft Office Enables Multi-Party Conference Meetings

March 04, 2013

Julia White of the Office Division at Microsoft shows how new features of Microsoft Office enable collaborative multi-party conference meetings.

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Anton Andrews, director of Envisioning in Office Labs, illustrates how teams will work and solve complex problems in the future.

Solving Complex Problems in the Future

March 04, 2013

Anton Andrews, director of Envisioning in Office Labs, illustrates how teams will work and solve complex problems in the future.

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Michel Pahud of Microsoft Research shows off Toward Large-Display Experiences, a research project that makes it easier for users to interact with large, augmented office displays.

Interact with Large, Augmented Office Displays

March 04, 2013

Michel Pahud of Microsoft Research shows off Toward Large-Display Experiences, a research project that makes it easier for users to interact with large, augmented office displays.

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Microsoft Researcher Jamie Shotton uses Teaching Kinect to Read Your Hands, a project that uses machine learning to train Kinect to determine reliably whether your hand is open or closed.

Teaching Kinect to Read Your Hands

March 04, 2013

Microsoft Researcher Jamie Shotton uses Teaching Kinect to Read Your Hands, a project that uses machine learning to train Kinect to determine reliably whether your hand is open or closed.

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