Lync Mobile Clients
I am getting lots of intrest in the Lync Mobile Clients that were recent released.
Here's a good overview video:
You need to apply Lync Cumulative Update 4 (CU4) before the mobile clients will work:
-Lync not know what to do with mobile devices unless CU 4 is installed- thus devices will not work until customer has done pool upgrade
-The way it works with WP7 and Iphone is that PUSH notification is needed now and requires changes in Lync FE pool
-Adding 2 server roles, PUSH Notification and Auto Discovery- just 2 roles in the FE and or the Director server
-Both need to be installed before it will work
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Mobility Guide:
We have a Microsoft Gold Partner that will apply the update and provide knowledge transfer for about $4,000 if you need any help. Send me a PM for details .