The Integrated Scripting Environment has many things: A rich debugger, a nifty object model, and support for multiple runspaces, but it doesn’t have spell check. Since I end up writing a lot of documentation in the ISE for my functions, I decided to write a quick Spellchecker function.
In order to write this I used some functions from IsePack and some functions from WPK. Both IsePack and WPK can be found as part of the PowerShellPack
WPF text controls actually all have a spell check built into them, which saves almost all of the trouble of getting this to work. Unfortunately, it means that the spell check as it is written pops up a small UI for each thing you want to check.
Import-Module IsePack, WPK
function Test-Spelling {
Tests the spelling on some text
Launches a text box with spell check enabled to highlight any spelling errors.
Test-Spelling "Can I speel?"
# Uses IsePack's Add-IseMenu to add a spellcheck hotkey to the Ise
Add-IseMenu -Name "SpellCheck" -Menu @{
"Test-Spelling" = {
Select-CurrentText -NotInOutput |
Where-Object { $_ } |
} | Add-Member NoteProperty ShortcutKey F7 -PassThru
# The phrase to check for spelling errors
process {
New-TextBox -Resource @{Phrase=$phrase} -On_Loaded {
$phrase = $this.Resources.Phrase
$this.Text = $phrase
$this.SpellCheck.IsEnabled = $true
} -ASJob
Add-IseMenu -Name "SpellCheck" -Menu @{
"Test-Spelling" = {
Select-CurrentText -NotInOutput |
Where-Object { $_ } |
} | Add-Member NoteProperty ShortcutKey F7 -PassThru
The script imports IsePack and WPK, writes the test spelling function Test-Spelling (with an example from the command line and an example that adds the menu item), and adds it to the IseMenu all in a scant 42 lines. Go ahead and give it a try. F7 becomes the shortcut key for spell check, just as it is in Word.
Hope this helps,
James Brundage [MSFT]