Unable to RDP to Virtual Machine: CredSSP Encryption Oracle Remediation
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This specific post has moved to https://solveazure.com/2018/05/11/unable-to-rdp-to-virtual-machine-credssp-encryption-oracle-remediation/
- Anonymous
May 11, 2018
Just to state the obvious, this can affect a physical server as well! This doesn't only affect a Virtual Machine (Yes, I understand this Azure VM blog). But this also was top hit on the good ole "Bing/Googlizer" searching for CredSSP RDP error. - Anonymous
May 12, 2018
No tengo esa opción en Windows 10 HOME (I don't have that Option In windwos 10m home to fix the problema) Not available gpedit.msc - Anonymous
May 12, 2018
hello managed to connect with your helpcould you please tell how to reverse last mitigation - Anonymous
May 14, 2018
Hi,thanks for this post, it's very helpful. - Anonymous
May 14, 2018
We've seen lots of people running into this problem where they can't remote to their office computer or VM from home. We've found an easier workaround that doesn't require touching the registry or setting group policies. Simply adjust the Remote Desktop settings. Wrote about it here: http://blog.fmsinc.com/remote-desktop-authentication-error-function-requested-is-not-supported-credssp/- Anonymous
November 16, 2018
Thanks!!! - Anonymous
December 03, 2018
LukeChung suggestion worked for me! :) Thanks sir!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
May 14, 2018
In my scenario, users are getting this message when they attempt to remote into their office workstations from home. So in this case there is no 'server'. Does this same solution apply to home workstation to office workstation remote sessions? Does this mean the issue will be resolved if both ends (the home pc and the office pc) install the update? - Anonymous
May 14, 2018
Thanks for the article. It helped me. - Anonymous
May 15, 2018
Also the VM connections from Hyper-V manager are disabled. Luckily the Group Policy / registry key workaround is client based, otherwise an updated client would lose all console acces to our yet unpatched servers... Bit unnerving if you ask me. - Anonymous
May 15, 2018
After some more testing it is becoming clear that when a server VM is patched, it IS possible to RDP to the server, but the VM connection from hyper-v manager is still NOT working. - Anonymous
May 15, 2018
This happened to me where I work (a school) and as my Network Manager brought this problem to my attention - it seems as if the registry fix helps us remote back into the servers we couldn't access.Download this batch script I made - it uses Mitigation 2 but people may find a use for the script.https://nofile.io/f/TF9t3x9EuZx/fixOracleRDP.bat - Anonymous
August 11, 2018
\ /v AllowEncryptionOracle /t REG_DWORD /d 2Means: Add new REG_DWORD; then Modify it to set the type from Hexadecimal to Decimal with the value from 0 to 2 - Anonymous
September 17, 2018
very helpful. thank you very much - Anonymous
November 01, 2018
thanks Mitigation 1 works for me - Anonymous
November 02, 2018
In gpedit Editor change on Encryption Oracle Remediation > Vulnerable didn't nothing.. Even it is accessible. But REG ADD helped... Thank you a lot!!!! :))) - Anonymous
November 09, 2018
Solved. Mitigation 2 works with my Windows 10 Home 64 bit. Thanks. - Anonymous
November 12, 2018
Hi,Thanks for this post, it’s very helpful. It helped me fixing the issue. - Anonymous
November 28, 2018
Mitigation 2 solved the problem for me. Thanks for sharing the trick! - Anonymous
December 13, 2018
It works, thank youRegards - Anonymous
February 03, 2019
Hi, I have windows server 2016. I can't see Encryption for Oracle remediation. Any other fix? - Anonymous
April 06, 2019
Hi, I am unable to connect to RDP in windows 10 home edition. Any solutions please.I have read it does not support is there a workaround?