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System Center Operations Manager Knowledge Base: Agnet


Troubleshooting gray agent states in System Center Operations Manager

This article describes how to troubleshoot problems in which an agent, a management server, or a gateway is unavailable or "grayed out" in System Center Operations Manager.


Agent Health tips and fixes for System Center Operations Manager 2007

This article discusses tips on fixes and changes for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 (OpsMgr) Agent Health. This article discusses hotfixes and registry keys. Be aware that these hotfixes and registry keys may not be noticed in your environment directly but might be causing issues of which you are not aware. If you have an issue with agents that are in a gray state, these tips and fixes may help. However,


When you try to install a System Center Operations Manager agent on a workgroup computer without using a  gateway server, Operations Manager cannot see  the workgroup computer

When you try to install a Microsoft System Center Operations Manager agent on a workgroup computer without using a gateway server, Operations Manager cannot see the workgroup computer.

    Additionally,  the following error message will be logged in the Operations Manager event log: 

Event ID : 21007 The OpsMgr connector cannot create a mutually authenticated connection to <Management server> because it is not in a trusted domain.  Event ID : 21016  Opsmgr was unable to setup a communication channel to  <Management server> and there is no failover hosts



When you try to deploy a System Center Operations Manager 2007 agent, the Health Service does not start, and event ID 7024 is logged

When you try to deploy a Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 (SP1) agent, the deployment succeeds. But the Health Service does not start, and a Service Control Manager event that resembles the following event is logged in the System log:

 Event Type: Error
Event Source: Service Control Manager
Event Category: None
Event ID: 7024
Date: dd-mm-yyyy
Time: hh:mm:ss
User: N/A
Computer: [computername]
The OpsMgr Health Service service terminated with service-specific error 3 (0x3).


Deploying System Center Operations Manager 2007 agents using the Install-Agent cmdlet fails with error 80070520

Deploying agents from the Operations Manager Shell using the Install-Agent cmdlet results in error 0x80070520 (ERROR_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION), with the description “A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated. ” Event ID 10612 in the Operations Manager event log is also logged:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Health Service Modules
Event Category: None
Event ID: 10612
The Operations Manager Server failed to perform specified operation on computer MANAGEMENTSERVER.FQDN.

Operation: Agent Install
Install account: DOMAIN\ACCOUNT
Error Code: 80070520
Error Description: A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.

The error is returned when an attempt is made to store the credentials used to deploy the agent in a context that is not permitted. This can be a result of a policy setting, or the inability to store the credentials under the Local System account.

To check if it is policy related, on the Management Server specified when calling the Install-Agent cmdlet, open Local Security Policy from Administrative Tools. Navigate to Local Polices->Security Options. For Windows Server 2003 locate the policy “Network access: Do not allow storage of credentials or .NET Passports for network authentication”, or for Windows Server 2008 locate the policy “Network access: Do not allow storage of passwords and credentials for network authentication”. Ensure this policy is disabled.

This policy controls the following registry value:
KEY: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa
VALUE: disabledomaincreds
SETTING: 0 – disabled, 1 – enabled

The other possibility is that the credentials are attempting to be stored under the Local System account which is not possible. Check the Default Action Account profile for the Management Server specified when calling the Install-Agent cmdlet. If the Management Server’s Default Action Account is set to Local System, change it to a domain account with the appropriate permissions. This also applies to Gateway Servers being used to deploy agents as well.



A computer agent unexpectedly generates heartbeat alerts after you put it into Maintenance mode in System Center Operations Manager

Consider the following scenario. In Microsoft System Center Operations Manager, you put a computer agent into Maintenance mode. Then, the following information appears in the Maintenance Mode Settingsdialog box:

These features are temporarily suspended for objects in Maintenance mode:

  • Rules and monitors
  • Notifications
  • Automatic responses
  • State changes
  • New alerts

  However, the computer that is running the agent  unexpectedly continues to generate heartbeat alerts.






  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Nice resource thanks!

  • Anonymous
    March 10, 2014