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Friday Night Geek Card Game: Threat modeling game

imageThanks to my friend Tim, I am going all in with the Threat Modeling Game!    This is a fun way to learn about Elevation of Privilege Attacks and response.  Here is the overview:

Elevation of Privilege (EoP) is the easy way to get started threat modeling. It is designed to make threat modeling easy and accessible for developers and architects. Threat modeling is a core security practice during the design phase of the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). The EoP card game helps examine possible threats to software and computer system. This game is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. Native files of the game are made available to allow editing, localization, and printing of the game. To view the full content of this license, visit

To download the game and have some fun tonight get it here:

Elevation of Privilege (EoP) Threat Modeling Card Game