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Wedding OneNote Wonder

With the recentish announcement of Google Keep (,  the note taking solution from Google,  I thought I might share the unsung wonder that is Microsoft OneNote.

I am getting married in August to my fiancĂ©e Ilona and as you would imagine there is lots to organise.  From the very beginning,  we have needed to note down ideas,  contact information etc and so I decided to revisit OneNote which had been a 'distant friend' of mine for a while.  Several months have gone by,  more and more information is collected for our wedding and without a doubt,  choosing OneNote was the best choice I made.

But it's restricted to MS only right? Nope.  During the last 18 months of preparation,  we have opened the Wedding OneNote to our Windows 7 laptop,  Windows 8,  iPhones,  iPads,  Windows Phones,  Microsoft Surface and also accessed it on other peoples machines via the web browser.

Paul Thurrott has a great description of why OneNote should be on your 'try' list at

How did people organise weddings on paper before things like OneNote,  Evernote or similar existed?