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Internet Safety - Microsoft Canada and Youthography Online Safety Survey

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Internet Safety - Microsoft Canada and Youthography Online Safety Survey

Posted Feb 24 2009, 11:00 PM by Microsoft Canada Co.

Filed under: Internet Safety, Protecting Canadians Online

As part of Microsoft Canada’s commitment to helping children stay safe online we conduct ongoing research into the online habits of parents and youth.

On February 25, 2009 Microsoft Canada and Youthography released a new survey that provides insight into the way young Canadian ages 9-17 use the Internet.

Education and Awareness

In this, Microsoft Canada's fourth iteration of online safety research, we found that youth rely on the Internet to communicate with friends and family, research information for homework and play games. We also discovered that parents are becoming more engaged in their children’s online activities and take measures to ensure their kids are safe online, such as locating the computer in visible locations like the family room or kitchen, rather than in a child’s room.

Despite this high level of awareness and parental engagement, some youth still engage in risky online behaviour including posting personal information, seeking out adult content and cyberbullying.

Microsoft uses research like this to strengthen our many programs to educate Canadians about the incredible benefits of technology and the Internet, and to help parents and children help keep youth safe online. To view press materials from the launch of the Microsoft Canada and Youthography online safety survey, please click here.

To see a comprehensive list of the Microsoft Canada and Youthography’s research findings, please download our fact sheet: Microsoft Canada - Youthography Survey Fact Sheet.pdf

To watch coverage of the resarch findings on CTV's Canada AM this morning click here and select "Microsoft rep on how kids use the Internet" under the CTV VIDEO PLAYER section.

Video commentary on the survey results:

