[Beta Announcement] Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit 3.2 Coming...
Our team is pleased to announce that we are opening the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit 3.2 Beta Program for registration.
In this new release, we will offer an extended set of functionalities that will include:
- SQL Server migration assessment - advanced features including instances inventory and SKU/version identification
- Microsoft Online Services survey-assessments for onboarding/migration
- Green IT/Power Management calculations
- Server virtualization assessments including Host/Guest relationship inventory of existing physical/virtual environments
Please join the MAP Toolkit 3.2 Beta Program today. We plan to release the beta downloads in October 2008.
Thank you!
PS: If you can't wait, you can download the free MAP Toolkit 3.1 version here.
January 01, 2003
Да, не так давно вышла версия 3.1 — и вот уже мы готовимся к 3.2. Главным из запланированных усовершенствований (по крайней мере, для нас) является корректное определение виртуальных машин. Это значит, что результат инвентаризации будет включать связиAnonymous
January 01, 2003
Hopefully you've seen this announcement by now - if not take a look.  Personally I'm looking forwardAnonymous
January 01, 2003
I tend to discuss the MAP tool fairly frequently in meetings with customers as it's a great - FREE -Anonymous
January 01, 2003
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