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Community Showcase and Links for September

It's been a great month for the Logic Apps community, and there is honestly more to share than I could in this small post, but here's a few notable links worth calling out:


Deep Dive into API Apps and Logic Apps - Bill Chesnut

Presentation by @BizTalkBill from New Zealand Ignite.  Great overview of API Apps, Logic Apps, and more

Logic Apps, Azure SQL, and OpenAPS - Ali Mazaheri

Created a unique and powerful Logic App leveraging IoT, SQL, OpenAPS, and Notification Hubs to add alerts for his sons artificial pancreas via Logic Apps.

Making an API App work with Dynamics - Lane Swenka

Post on creating a simple CRUD API App to interface with Microsoft Dynamics

Automate your Azure Active Directory Reports - Toon Dillen

Post on how you can use Azure Automation, Azure Active Directory, and Logic Apps to get alerts and reporting on Active Directory anomalies.

Creating a Push Trigger API App to Process NFC Tag Reads - Nick Hauenstein

Awesome post about creating Custom APIs (with the help of some great NuGet packages you should check out) to integrate IoT with Logic Apps

I know there is much more out there, and appreciate all those who have shared blog posts, tweets, talks, or feedback with me and the team.  Feel free to shoot me a mail or tweet us @logicappsio if you have a blog post or experience you want us to know about.
