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OpenFaaS on Azure (Swarm)

I explain about how to deploy OpenFaaS on Kubernetes on Azure. However, OpenFaaS supports Swarm as well. What is the most easy way to deploy it? Since the OpenFaaS requires docker ce for 17.05+, we can't use Azure Container Service. Instead, we can use Docker for Azure. It is the most easiest way to deploy 17.06+ swarm mode cluster on Azure, currently.

Let's deploy it.

Deploy Docker for Azure

Go to this site. You can deploy the  cluster directly. Just click "Deploy Docker Community Edition for Azure (Stable)"

Deploy your app on Docker for Azure

Then you can see this page. You can edit the template if you like.

Connect to the Docker for Azure

After the deployment, you can find the externalSSHLoadBalancer which have an IP address to access the master nodes.

If you have three master nodes, then the SSH port will be 50000, 50001, and 50002.  You can check it out on the externalSSHLoadBalancer > Inbound NAT Rules

You can  tunnel it to deploy OpenFaaS. If the loadbalancer's IP is, then the command is like this. NOTE: the default user name is docker. not azureuser!

 ssh -p 50000 -fNL localhost:2374:/var/run/docker.sock docker@
export DOCKER_HOST=:2374

 Deploy OpenFaaS

Just clone the OpenFaaS and deploy it.

 git clone
cd faas

Finish. Then you can check it out. If the all nodes status is OK and replicas are not 0, then it works.

 $ docker node ls

ID                            HOSTNAME              STATUS              AVAILABILITY        MANAGER STATUS

19jwb8riabdtgbrgbhcaohv7v     swarm-manager000002   Ready               Active              Leader

5r4cghmtsiyt96cfmzbeavhb5 *   swarm-manager000000   Ready               Active              Reachable

guc9klap92wy9w393d4s29vir     swarm-manager000001   Ready               Active              Reachable

ubwo378qzjq4pl45rrixusfa9     swarm-worker000000    Ready               Active              

xm12qzvwqyuspzcy3fs3o2a5f     swarm-worker000001    Ready               Active              

$ docker service ls

ID                  NAME                MODE                REPLICAS            IMAGE                                   PORTS

0z3nhuc3322r        func_decodebase64   replicated          1/1                 functions/alpine:health                 

5k222fmec6pb        func_nodeinfo       replicated          1/1                 functions/nodeinfo:latest               

6dscv6uctk8p        func_hubstats       replicated          1/1                 functions/hubstats:latest               

ki6r1w1f5cdm        func_wordcount      replicated          1/1                 functions/alpine:health                 

mji9f788qktk        func_gateway        replicated          1/1                 functions/gateway:0.6.3                 *:8080->8080/tcp

mktgocot0uxq        func_echoit         replicated          1/1                 functions/alpine:health                 

nz764gxdg99k        func_prometheus     replicated          1/1                 functions/prometheus:latest             *:9090->9090/tcp

u8s2kw7755q2        func_webhookstash   replicated          1/1                 functions/webhookstash:latest           

ubbtcade7skw        func_markdown       replicated          1/1                 alexellis2/faas-markdownrender:latest   

xulsluhy3zvv        func_alertmanager   replicated          1/1                 functions/alertmanager:latest           *:9093->9093/tcp

yw7s4ut1xt99        func_base64         replicated          1/1                 functions/alpine:health       

Open the OpenFaaS potal

As you can see, All you need to do is find the externalLoadBalancer on the Resource Group, then access the URL with port 8080.  You can refer OpenFaaS on ACS (Kubernetes) for seeing the faas-cli setting. 

Then you can see the OpenFaaS dashboard. Enjoy coding.