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The Publishing Cache of SP2010 WebApplications

In a recent post I talked about the publishing cache. It turns out this also applies for Classic Authentication WebApplications. (from the original post:) Have a look into your Developer Dashboard to see what is going on; the warning and critical error are:

  • 7362 - Warning Publishing Cache
  • 7363 - Critical Publishing Cache

I have created a script to set the cacheSuperAccount and cacheReaderAccount on each webapplication in the farm. Be sure to create two seperate domain user accounts first. Then use this script from within you SP2010 PowerShell Prompt. It works on both Classic and Claims Based Authentication WebApps. Usage:

 .\script.ps1 -cacheSuperAccount "domain\superuser" -cacheReaderAccount "domain\superreader"


The updated PowerShell Script:

 param([string]$cacheSuperAccount= "sp2010\superuser",[string]$cacheReaderAccount= "sp2010\superreader")

write-host ""
write-host -f White "Configure the WebApp property: portalsuperuseraccount and portalsuperreaderaccount"

write-host ""
write-host -f Green "Stef van Hooijdonk - v1.0"
write-host ""

if (get-pssnapin $snapin -ea "silentlycontinue") {
    write-host -f Green "PSsnapin $snapin is loaded"
else {    
    if (get-pssnapin $snapin -registered -ea "silentlycontinue") {
        write-host -f Green "PSsnapin $snapin is registered"
        Add-PSSnapin $snapin
        write-host -f Green "PSsnapin $snapin is loaded"
    else {
        write-host -f Red "PSSnapin $snapin not found" 


write-host -f Green "Getting current Farm"
$farm = Get-SPFarm

$cacheSuperAccountCL = New-SPClaimsPrincipal -Identity $cacheSuperAccount -IdentityType WindowsSamAccountName 
$cacheReaderAccountCL= New-SPClaimsPrincipal -Identity $cacheReaderAccount -IdentityType WindowsSamAccountName 
$cacheSuperAccountCL = $cacheSuperAccountCL.ToEncodedString()
$cacheReaderAccountCL= $cacheReaderAccountCL.ToEncodedString()

write-host ""
write-host -f Green "Going to loop WebApplications"

Get-SPWebApplication | foreach-object { 

    write-host ""

    if ($_.UseClaimsAuthentication -eq $true ) {    

        write-host -f white $_.Url " is a Claims Based Authentication WebApp"

        write-host -f yellow " - Setting Policy: $cacheSuperAccountCL to Full Control for WebApp" $_.Url
        $policy1 = $_.Policies.Add($cacheSuperAccountCL ,$cacheSuperAccount )
        $policy1.PolicyRoleBindings.Add( $_.PolicyRoles.GetSpecialRole( [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPPolicyRoleType]::FullControl) ) 

        write-host -f yellow " - Setting Property: portalsuperuseraccount $cacheSuperAccountCL for" $_.Url
        $_.Properties["portalsuperuseraccount"] = $cacheSuperAccountCL

        write-host -f yellow " - Setting Policy: $cacheReaderAccountCL to Full Read for WebApp" $_.Url
        $policy2 = $_.Policies.Add($cacheReaderAccountCL ,$cacheReaderAccount )
        $policy2.PolicyRoleBindings.Add( $_.PolicyRoles.GetSpecialRole( [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPPolicyRoleType]::FullRead) ) 

        write-host -f yellow " - Setting Property: portalsuperreaderaccount $cacheReaderAccountCL for" $_.Url
        $_.Properties["portalsuperreaderaccount"] = $cacheReaderAccountCL
    else  {
        write-host -f white $_.Url " is a Classic Authentication WebApp"

        write-host -f yellow " - Setting Policy: $cacheSuperAccount to Full Control for WebApp" $_.Url
        $policy1 = $_.Policies.Add($cacheSuperAccount ,$cacheSuperAccount )
        $policy1.PolicyRoleBindings.Add( $_.PolicyRoles.GetSpecialRole( [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPPolicyRoleType]::FullControl) ) 

        write-host -f yellow " - Setting Property: portalsuperuseraccount $cacheSuperAccount for" $_.Url
        $_.Properties["portalsuperuseraccount"] = "$cacheSuperAccount"

        write-host -f yellow " - Setting Policy: $cacheReaderAccount to Full Read for WebApp" $_.Url
        $policy2 = $_.Policies.Add($cacheReaderAccount ,$cacheReaderAccount )
        $policy2.PolicyRoleBindings.Add( $_.PolicyRoles.GetSpecialRole( [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPPolicyRoleType]::FullRead) ) 

        write-host -f yellow " - Setting Property: portalsuperreaderaccount $cacheReaderAccount for" $_.Url
        $_.Properties["portalsuperreaderaccount"] = "$cacheReaderAccount"

    write-host "Saved properties"

Write ""
Write-host -f red "Going to run IISReset"
IISreset /noforce
Write ""