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Just like the Terminator said...

"I'll be back."...

And here I am.  The Terminator reference is in honour of the new Terminator TV Series (Sarah Connor Chronicles) which I've been watching, and have enjoyed thus far.  As the writers strike drags on, I've been spending a lot of time on with my beta account.  Great stuff there... Anyways, I digress.

I'm back and ready to blog to the world about the following things:

1. Microsoft courseware.  Everything from MOC to Courseware Library, MODL to the MCT Download Center and everything in-between.
2. Interesting tidbits about how people learn and innovations in the training industry.  Some may be new to you, some may be old, but anything that I find interesting enough to discuss may find a paragraph or two in an upcoming post.
3. Life in general at Microsoft Learning and insights about how it feels to be the Product Manager for facilitated training products that reach close to 1 Million of the world's brightest minds via our network of super smart Microsoft Certified Trainers (MCTs) and experienced CPLS Partners.

<Tangent>I love MCTs.  These guys are as passionate and knowledgeable about technology as they come and I spend a lot of my time working with them within Microsoft as well as throughout the CPLS channel.  I'll have a chance to address them in person at the upcoming Redmond MCT Summit in early Feb and look forward to a lively chat about all the things we're doing around MOC, both in the short and long term.</Tangent>

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend the Microsoft wide Learning and Technology Forum.  Hats off the organizers for the terrific event that brought the top minds at Microsoft together for a day full of expert speakers and knowledge sharing.  The keynote was delivered by Will Thalheimer, who is known for his expertise in training measurement.  If you haven't already, you might want to check out his blog  Another great presentation was delivered by my teammate and soon to be blogger Ben Lower, who talked about the innovative Courseware Library and the plans going forward.

I'll let Ben introduce himself shortly, but I guarantee that he'll be a fun and interesting read.  He's a guy that everyone likes having around and is the life of the party... that being said, he's got great insights on the facilitated learning industry and I will enjoy posting along side of him.

Feels good to back.  Have a great day.

"Hasta la vista, baby." ;)



  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    So Lonn's prior post really put the pressure on: How does one live up to that?&#160; Fun and Interesting?&#160;

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Great point there. So much information is available through Google that it is almost frightening....

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I don't usually reply on articles I read but I have to say this was just great. Keep up the good work.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Thanks for the tips and great info. Very appreciative. Its posts and blogs like these that really do help people. Thank you.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hats off the organizers for the terrific event that brought the top minds at Microsoft together for a day full of expert speakers and knowledge sharing.