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PSA–Setting Static IP Address with the ATT U-Verse (GigaPower) Router (Pace 5268AC)

I just wanted to put together a quick blog post on how to set a static IP with one of these things if you have happen to have one…and a block of static IP’s.  I haven’t seen a lot of documentation on how to do this – there are a few articles I’ve found on the ATT forums that do a decent job…but I figured I’d do my part to help anyone searching around on the internet trying to figure out how to allocate their block of IP’s (setting them in the GUI is the easy part…it’s getting the devices to grab the public IP’s and then ‘allocate’ them…in other words, set a DHCP reservation or sorts…to your device that you want to assign the static IP). 

I switched out from the NVG router that was not working well for me (random reboots, packet loss, etc…) today and just thought I’d document the procedure for setting up devices with static IP’s.  I had a nice tech show up and do some diagnostics on my equipment…but even he didn’t know how to setup the IP addresses.  I’ve even talked to several folks at ATT tier-2 support that weren’t much help.  So, hopefully this helps you if landed here.

So, basically here’s the device we’re working with:


On the back you’ll see the Model Number:


The new router uses to login just like the NVG.  Once they do their testing it should work fine for basic connectivity – internet browsing, etc…

The GUI is a bit different than the NVG in terms of finding the spot to enter your static IP range and then configuring it by ‘allocating’ the IP.

If you go to the SETTINGS –> BROADBAND tab you’ll see the option to add a ‘supplementary network’.  That’s where you’ll enter the router address and mask that ATT provides.  In the NVG you needed to enter starting and ending IP’s – you don’t have to do that here.


After you save that configuration then go over to the SETTINGS –> LAN –> DHCP tab.  About half way down you’ll find this.  Here’s where it gets tricky…


In order to “allocate” the static IP then adapter has to pick it up via DHCP first.  You can’t set it statically on the adapter itself.  If you do, it won’t work.  You have to leave the NIC set for DHCP but it has to get an IP from the public range to for the allocation to work properly.  I tried letting it get one from the private pool and then  mapping it to a public IP but it balked at me and gave me some error.  So, maybe yours will do that – mine didn’t.

Anyway, the tricky part here is that you probably want to have as few devices connecting to your network as possible and certainly nothing else that’s going to pick up an IP via DHCP while you are attempting this.

So, here’s what I did.  In my case I was setting up a NIC in a Windows Server 2012 R2 VM that has RRAS installed and is the endpoint for my Azure S2S VPN.  So, I went into the NIC properties and disabled it (it was set to get its IP via DHCP).  I went over to the web GUI and switched the DHCP from private network to public routed network and then saved the configuration.  Once it was saved, I went back over the to the NIC properties in the VM and enabled the NIC.  It went to pick up a DHCP address and grabbed the first available public IP in my static range.


Now you have to ‘allocate’ it.


If you scroll through the list you’ll see your public IP connected device.  It will say connected DHCP and then you’ll probably want to disable the firewall.  You’ll leave the address assignment set to public but then you’ll pull the WAN IP Mapping drown down and select the IP address out of the range you have available.   Hit save at the bottom and then it will tell you if the configuration was saved successfully or not.  Hopefully it saved. Smile


At this point you should be able to go back to the NIC and refresh it – do a /release /renew or reboot the machine/VM or whatever and it should come back up every time with your static IP reservation.

If you go to SETTINGS –> LAN –> STATUS you can see a list of connected devices/IP’s/details.  My public IP shows up there and I can see some detail:


Anyway, good luck.  Hopefully someone else who runs into this will find this blog and get a little help from it.  It’s not rocket science of course – just weird how you have to set this stuff up.  The NVG wasn’t all that different in terms of having to change the router settings to supply DHCP from the public range and allocating, etc… but I think I like this setup a little better.

FWIW, this router is WAYYYYY better than the NVG.  It’s 802.11AC so the wireless speeds are superfast.  I have U-Verse GigaPower so I get around 900’ish Mbps up and down on wired connections and about 250Mbps up and down on devices that I can connect to the 5GHz radio.  This router also does ‘guest’ wireless access as well.  It basically has a ‘DMZ” network (172.x.x.x) that it sticks guests so that they can’t snoop your 192.x.x.x while they are on your wireless.  So, I like that.

Good luck!


  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2016
    The comment has been removed
    • Anonymous
      March 11, 2016
      HA! I hear you...exactly why I posted this. The ATT routers are the most unintuitive devices I have ever worked with. Glad this was able to get you moving along...
      • Anonymous
        July 16, 2016
        Ken - Thank you....I just upgraded today and ran into this exact issue. I appreciate it.
      • Anonymous
        November 14, 2016
        Ken..........having the same problem.........AT&T is NO help here. Would like to know if I could speak with you on the phone.
      • Anonymous
        December 10, 2016
        Hi there.....My IT guy is having similar issues....we've been down for a week....not good for business....Is it possible to buy our own modem, and not use the one supplied by ATT??
  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2016
    Wow. Thanks a million for posting this. Quite literally, AT&T showed up at the door of one of my customers and swapped out their older NVG with a 5268AC. Your article helped immensely!
  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2016
    Thank you for your guide, helped assure myself that I had things set up on my end when my modem was changed..But. Having an issue.. I had a static IP pool with ATT for about 5 years and recently started having brief outages. A quick call to ATT and they sent out a tech to replace my 3800 with a new NVG589... It was easy to set up, the tech had no idea I was static but a few twists and turns aside, I was back up.Within a few days, noticed that our publically allocated IP's would loose all connectivity for 3-5 minutes while anything DHCP/NAT allocated through the NVG589 was still up. So basically my servers were down and couldn't hit the public gateway but the VOIP and the DVR was still working going out through the private IP.Calls back to ATT got me nowhere and confused them quite honestly. They ended up just sending me yet another NVG589, probably go get me off the phone. Same problem. I know based on several blogs/sites and guides that I have my static IP allocation/subnet set up correctly. Any idea what may be happening here?Is there a better modem for static IP allocation that I should try and request? Sorry, off topic, but thanks!
  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2016
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  • Anonymous
    May 09, 2016
    Thanks for the post, on an unrelated note, have you done a port scan on your main IP address? do you have issues with port 49152 being open?
  • Anonymous
    May 18, 2016
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  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2016
    Hi Ken,Is the Router Address one of the static IP addresses from ATT? If not, where do we get this IP address?Thanks,Sam Butler
  • Anonymous
    May 26, 2016
    So, I followed the guide and get... nothing. I had the NV589 and had everything setup and it worked great. If I use the router's DHCP to hand out non-static IPs, I get Internet fine. If the static IPs are handed out, however, the machine with the assigned static IP can see the gateway and nothing else. No external traffic at all. After an hour with the tier 1 tech support and 2 hours with tier 2, they've decided to send a technician out. I am unconvinced that that will solve the problem. Any ideas what could be completely stopping traffic if a machine's on a static IP?
  • Anonymous
    June 15, 2016
    Wow, thanks for this! Was looking into setting up a VPN, never in a million years would have figured this out on my own!
  • Anonymous
    July 08, 2016
    I'm a fan, thank you!
  • Anonymous
    July 11, 2016
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    July 14, 2016
    Great job! I am an AT&T employee working directly with this router and I / we / a lot of us were not trained on this particular unit! So, as apparent I was looking for information on how to set the static IP.Thank You! And you are correct in your statement "The ATT routers are the most unintuitive devices I have ever worked with."I / We / most of us feel the same way!
  • Anonymous
    August 17, 2016
    Great writeup! If I have to go with a static IP to get my Netgear fvs318N to work behind this thing, then this will be my reference. :)But do you have any idea what might be going on in the 5268 that I could change? Here's the scenario, my s2s tunnel comes up from both ends (I log into the endpoints and check them on that side), and it does show some packet activity, but ping or any real data doesn't. What gives? I've set the fvs318n into the 'dmzplus' with all firewalling on the 5268 disabled. Still nothing. Any ideas appreciated!
  • Anonymous
    August 22, 2016
    You say "BROADBAND tab you’ll see the option to add a ‘supplementary network’. That’s where you’ll enter the router address and mask that ATT provides." What do I need to ask ATT for here? I am trying to get a static IP for my Raspberry Pi and then make it so I can vnc connect outside the local network (port forwarding I think). I am not well versed on routers. Thanks
  • Anonymous
    August 30, 2016
    Hi Ken, my little web server only has a static IP setting. I can't set it to DHCP to pick up an its IP address. Will that make the above process not work?
  • Anonymous
    September 07, 2016
    Should I do this to my switch? the Pace 5268 doesn't see it or want to see it!!! switching back to comcast everything it on auto lol
  • Anonymous
    September 09, 2016
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  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2016
    Does this procedure make it possible to have port forwarding to work? I just got this RG as part of an "upgrade," now I cannot get to a server on my inside network from the outside. I have tried many how-to articles but still not working.
  • Anonymous
    September 25, 2016
    Under the section of adding an additional network. When you mention that you need to "enter the router address and mask that ATT provides" , does that mean that you needed to contact ATT for the IP address?
    • Anonymous
      September 25, 2016
      Also can I use a dynamic pool of IP vs static?
  • Anonymous
    October 03, 2016
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  • Anonymous
    October 06, 2016
    Do you remember the user name and password for this one? I have checked manuals and forums and the default says its admin password or admin admin and I cannot open the router to do my pinholes and ports forward
  • Anonymous
    November 12, 2016
    It seems like this requires a static IP from AT&T? (like $15 more per month).I don't want to pay for a static IP, but I'd like to do address reservation for devices on my internal network. Is it possible with the 5268AC?
  • Anonymous
    November 14, 2016
    I would like to speak to Ken Lince about this issue.........I can be reached @
  • Anonymous
    November 22, 2016
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  • Anonymous
    December 05, 2016
    Sorry I am a bit green when it comes to Networking... Where are you finding the Router address and mask that you put in the Add Additional Network step?
  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2016
    Why would you need to do this, set a static IP? Just curious.
  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2016
    i have one question is there any way to change a static ip adress to dynamic ip??? or is there any way i can change a static ip address on a ATT u verse without calling to change it???
  • Anonymous
    December 28, 2016
    Hi I'm trying to set up a static IP address for my Raspberry Pi 3b im using the same model. I have couple of questions.1. how i get the router address? mentioned bellow>2. Can i do this using wireless not connected??If you can help me or send me articles would be great.Thanks
  • Anonymous
    December 29, 2016
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  • Anonymous
    December 30, 2016
    Priceless article. Well done. I just spent 3 hours researching my options to get two Xbox ones to play nice with no nat issues. The most secure, albeit the most expensive option is buying the static ips.
  • Anonymous
    December 31, 2016
    So how then would you set up static IPs with a router behind the RG? Currently my router is using the Additional Network in Supplementary Network with firewall opened (since the router already has one).
  • Anonymous
    January 03, 2017
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  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2017
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2017
    "That’s where you’ll enter the router address and mask that ATT provides. "- Where do you find this information?
  • Anonymous
    February 06, 2017
    OK, how about this scenario: With a block of 5 available public IP's, I'd like to have ALL 5 IP's on a single device/MAC address. Specifically, I am trying to attach a 3rd party router (Netgear SRX5308), and have it's WAN port utilize all the IP's so the Netgear handles traffic firewall rules. Older AT&T DSL connections allowed for bridge mode - but this new 5268AC seems to require DHCP to distribute the address, but then only 1 at a time.Works perfectly with Comcast without any special configuration - On the WAN port of my Netgear, have a primary public IP, then added the remaining as 'secondary' IP's.This is not an easy question/scenario to type up, would be easier to draw this out.
  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2017
    WoW. This is AMAZINGLY helpful. I have a client who just got ATT fiber at their place of business and ATT provides the EXACT same 5268AC here and that I have with the GigaPower service at my house. REALLY odd choice for a business class circuit but alas.and yes. SO unintuitive. I won't be setting this up until later in the week but I did have a question as to whether the 192 subnet remains accessible for management once the Supplementary network is provisioned and the public IP addresses are allocated. I would assume so.I am trying to figure out the best way to be able to access this device while remoted in to a machine on my primary subnet, which will be using its own router and subnet. Thanks again!!!
  • Anonymous
    March 08, 2017
    As far as i can tell a firmware update has now blocked the ability to assign external addresses any longer. Basically you have the IP address of your device and no access to the remaining
  • Anonymous
    March 20, 2017
    Hello,This is a great write up. Thank you. I have a follow up to make sure I am understanding correctly what I have to do while following your guide. So we have Uverse business service and 5 static IP's, using the Pace 5268AC. What I would like to do is connect two routers to the 5268AC (probably Netgear Nighthawk x6's), and assign each its own public IP. One router would be for business devices, NVR, etc, and the other would be for employees to use for wifi connectivity and other traffic that we would want to not allow access to the business network. Would I do the same steps as in your tutorial, and repeat steps after your SUCCESS! post for each router, to get them assigned with the static public IP? Any guidance/feedback would be very much appreciated.Thank you,
  • Anonymous
    April 08, 2017
    Anyway to pass all the traffic including your static IPs to a router behind the 5268. Looks like they have have removed bridge mode.
  • Anonymous
    May 18, 2017
    I followed this article and set everything up step by step as detailed. Seems to work fine, but at least once a week, at random times, internet goes down, requiring me to reboot my router. ATT modem does not need to be rebooted, only the r7000 router. Does anyone have any suggestions on resolving this issue? I looked at the router logs, but after rebooting it, they clear, so I am not able to find the root cause of the issue.
  • Anonymous
    May 29, 2017
    Hello,Did you need a business accoutto be able to get the static adresses or is your account residential?
  • Anonymous
    August 24, 2017
    So AT&T wants to charge me a $15/mos fee to give me a block of IPs. Did that happen to you?
  • Anonymous
    August 30, 2017
    Thanks for this write up! I, too, spent days messing with this. Took me an extra step on my Ubuntu server to release the old IP (used /etc/init.d/networking restart), but all seems to be working. Cheers!
  • Anonymous
    September 20, 2017
    I've searched all over the internet and attempted this from different forums with no success. I even contacted AT&T and they were trying to charge me $49 to set the static IP's on the router. They were saying that it is an pro support function. Whatever! I used your instructions and it worked PERFECTLY!!! I have a PFSense router behind the modem and it's finally receiving the static IP's. Good work and thanks!
  • Anonymous
    October 12, 2017
    Just use your own router and turn off the gateway WiFi for better configurability.
  • Anonymous
    October 25, 2017
    Thanks much - I was just switched over to a 5268 also, and couldn't get static working. Couldn't figure out where my static gateway IP was supposed to be (what device.) Started poking around in that supplementary network, but wasn't sure what to do there.Now it makes sense - and this helped me get it working.One note, might also be good to add in to set the default DHCP back after done. Otherwise, new devices will take up public IP's and have no firewall, correct?Next on the fixit list is a NetDuo - that doesn't seem to like the new setup either, but not sure why yet.