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SCOM 1801 dashboards (previously 1711)

Here dashboard dashboard <dong>

Come out, come out wherever you are!



Looking at SCOM dashboards in the new Technical Preview had me wondering.

I was totally excited after Ignite for System Center v.Next...

          Start at 16:34 in video - BRK1023



Found the documents before I found the actual widgets

HTML5 overview /en-us/system-center/scom/manage-overview-html5-webconsole?view=sc-om-1801

What's new in 1801 /en-us/system-center/scom/what-is-new-1801?view=sc-om-1801

Release Notes /en-us/system-center/scom/release-notes-1801?view=sc-om-1801


What's new in 1711 /en-us/system-center/scom/what-is-new-1711?view=sc-om-1711

Release notes /en-us/system-center/scom/release-notes-tp1711?view=sc-om-1711


We have lots of widgets to choose from


Unfortunately, the SQL MP visualizations are not yet HTML5 :-(



Web Console, well, okay, I can play



Alert Widget

Scope - Setup for a group or class (my example is All Windows Computers group, could be SQL Servers, SharePoint Servers, etc.)

Criteria - Selected Severity = Warning or Critical, changed Alert age to 1 day (default was 7)

Display - No changes made

Select Columns to display - looks like all the console options when you click on 'Personalize view'

Group by - Last modified was selected



Completion -Click on Save Widget

Saving widget


Alert Widget





State Widget

Scope - Setup for a group AND class (my example is All Windows Computers group, could be SQL Servers, SharePoint Servers, etc.)

Criteria - Selected Severity = Warning or Critical

Display -

Selected 4 columns  (Health, Display Name, Path, Principal Name )

Group by - Health

Completion - Named widget and added Description

Click on Save Widget


Saved State Widget (NOTE no unhealthy windows computers)





Performance Widget

Scope - Setup for a group AND class (my example is SQL Server Computers, could be All Windows Computers, or SharePoint Servers, etc.)

Metrics - Use filter by keyword

Search string = Memory

Selected = Stolen Server Memory

Criteria - Time Range default is 24 hours

Recommend dropping time to 1-4 hours to display less data

Display -

Left Default

See difference, checkbox is counter intuitive (uncheck gives visual graph)

Completion - Named widget and added Description

Click on Save Widget

Performance Widget (visualizations check box checked, NOTE NO visual)


Performance Widget (visualizations check box UN-checked)







Tile Widget

Simple, can setup for a group or class

Click on Save Widget




Topology Widget

Gotta have a little fun, right!?

Click on Save Widget




Tile and Topology Dashboards



Now let's continue this further next week!