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Ken O' Bonn

HttpHandler for Excel file download

// When providing html links to XML files, typically the HTTP Headers will set ContentType = Plain /...

Date: 11/09/2014

Create Event Log Sources using PowerShell

Web applications, Windows services, and other applications frequently need to write to an event log...

Date: 03/29/2014

Implementing "Most Recently Used" (MRU) in web sites

Internet Explorer 9 (IE 9) introduced the ability to "Pin" a web site to the taskbar. With just a...

Date: 12/23/2013

Code Snippets in SQL Server 2012 For Greater Team Productivity

Included in this article: What are snippets? Overview Configuration How to use snippets How to...

Date: 05/15/2013

SQL Server 2012 Sequences in VSTS projects

This post is intended to be a quick reference for creating and using Sequences in SQL Server 2012,...

Date: 05/13/2013

To link directly to work items or to run queries in TSWA (Team System Web Access, a component of...

Date: 05/28/2009

My first MSDN article

I just published an article entitled "Testing SQL-XML Output by Using XQuery". I will likely add a...

Date: 04/09/2009

PIVOT on two or more fields in SQL Server

function CopyCode(elemName) { var obj = document.getElementById(elemName);...

Date: 03/22/2009