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Web Camp Belgium: join online and breakfast is on us!

Can’t make it to the Web Camp Belgium in-person (Monday January 24th)? Hurry up and you might get a free breakfast delivered to your company/community to watch the keynote and sessions via live stream.
We don’t want you to miss anything so get a small group together and enjoy the show!

How does this work?

Microsoft is delivering free breakfast to your company so you can watch Scott Hanselman keynote, and follow the rest of the sessions live.

How to participate?

It’s easy: register with a minimum of 10 employees to this live stream event (each person should register). Gather the registered addresses and send us a single mail with the names and registered e-mail addresses (Live IDs). If you confirm your information before 10 January 2011 and you are one of the first 15 companies to make the request, breakfast is on us!
Send e-mail to
Subject line: Web Camp Belgium Breakfast action
Mail body: Company name, address and contact person and the Windows Live ID of each 10 registered employees

Help! I want breakfast but we are just 2 people?

What is my company does not employ 10 developers or I don’t get to 10 people? You can work together with a company or group  of people close to you and do a single joint e-mail with the 10 names. Be creative but fair, breakfast will actually only be served once and delivered to the location chosen by you.

Remember, we have just a few baskets left so hurry up to get your group together and sign-up.

To attend the event in person, you might still find a seat through the in-person registration link.


Hope to see you then be it online of offline. Join the conversation on Twitter, before, during, and after the event: #webcampbe