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SDK Workaround: Help for .NET Framework WCF samples that don't build/run

This workaround applies to:


·         The prerelease Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .Net Framework 3.5 (RC0), September, 2007

·         The prerelease Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .Net Framework 3.5 (IDS04), July, 2007


The following Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) samples do not build or run correctly in the SDK build environment or Visual Studio 2008:


·       TechnologySamples\Scenario\DataBinding\WPF (does not build)

·       TechnologySamples\Scenario\RestPox (builds but fails while running on Windows Vista)

·       TechnologySamples\Extensibility\Transport\UdpActivation (builds but fails while running)


To workaround this issue:

·       TechnologySamples\Scenario\DataBinding\WPF
This issue affects only the C# version of the sample. To resolve, remove the following string from client.csproj: <UICulture>en-us</UICulture>


·       TechnologySamples\Scenario\RestPox
This issue affects both the C# and Visual Basic versions of the sample when running on Windows Vista. The client runs correctly almost all the way through the sample then fails near the end. To resolve the issue, remove the forward slash from the following lines of code:
links.Add( new Uri( message.Properties.Via + "/" + customerId ) ) in file CustomerService.cs
links.Add( New Uri(msg.Properties.Via.ToString() & "/" & customerId ) ) in file CustomerService.vb


·       TechnologySamples\Extensibility\Transport\UdpActivation
No workaround is available at this time. This issue will be fixed in the RTM version of Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .Net Framework 3.5