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MSDN Nuggets: Developing with Visual Studio

Don't have the time to read a 10-page how-to article or watch a full length webcast? Try an MSDN nugget, a webcast that takes you step-by-step to discovering new functionality or exploring a hot developer topic, all in 10-15 minutes. View them online now or download for later reference.

VB9 - Extension Methods  In Visual Basic 9, it is possible to give the appearance of adding 'extension methods' to classes without changing the classes themselves. We'll explore how extension methods work in this session.

VB9 - Implicit Types In Visual Basic 9, it is possible to declare variables without specifying their types and yet without using late-binding. This session explores how this new implicit typing feature works.

VB9 - Object Initialisers Visual Basic 9 has the capability to construct and initialise an object all in a single line of code. In this video we'll take a look at how that works.

Visual Studio 2005 Product Family and Licensing This session outlines the different versions of Visual Studio 2005 that are available, who they are suitable for, how MSDN subscriptions fit into the picture and finishes with a reminder of the benefits ...

Integrated Code Coverage This nugget shows you how to use the new integrated code coverage features which are part of the new unit testing framework in Visual Studio 2005. From a security perspective, ensuring that your unit tests ...

Using the Permissions Calculator in Visual Studio 2005 This nugget examines a number of new security features in Visual Studio 2005 including the code access security permissions calculator tool that make it easier for your to build partial trust applications.

New IDE Features in VS2005 Visual Studio 2005 includes a range of enhancements targeted at the web developer. Join us for a quick tour of some of the new functionality and see how Visual Studio 2005 integrates with ASP.NET ...

Consuming a web service from the device: Simple use of Web Reference dialog This nugget presents how to use Visual Studio .NET 2003 to build a device application that can consume a web service. Also looks at exception handling over SOAP and retrieving DataSet classes from a web ...

Control Layout in Windows Forms in VS 2005 One of the goals for Windows Forms 2.0 was to automate frequent tasks, and to reduce the amount of code we need to write to deal with common requirements. The new layout options make very light work of ...

Scenarios - Debugging Memory Leaks Memory Leaks? In .NET code? This session looks at how we'd diagnose the modern equivalent of a memory "leak" with Visual Studio 2005.

Mechanics - Working with the SOS Debugger Extension The Visual Studio debugger can load extension DLLs to extend its capabilities. This session looks at the basics of loading the SOS.DLL for .NET code and introduces what we can do with it.

Mechanics - Design Time Debugging Visual Studio 2005 has new features for debugging without actually writing an application - watch this session to see the new object test bench and other design-time debugging features.

Preparation - Building Your Code for Debugging In this session we look at debugging debug and release builds and the role of PDB files in Visual Studio 2005.

Mechanics - Edit and Continue It's back! Visual Studio 2005 reintroduces the idea of "edit and continue" allowing you to alter code whilst in the debugger - this session looks at what you can do with this feature.

Mechanics - Controlling Debugger Display for Your Types The Visual Studio debugger can be configured to display custom output for your own data types. This session looks at how you do that.

  Mechanics - Working with Data Tips and Visualisers Visual Studio 2005 has great new features for seeing your data in the debugger. This session looks at Data Tips and Visualisers in the debugger and how you can write your own visualiser.

Mechanics - Breakpoints and Tracepoints In this session we take a look at setting breakpoints and tracepoints with Visual Studio 2005

Preparation - Locating and Managing Symbol Files Debugging is a whole lot easier with symbol files (PDBs). This session looks at how Visual Studio 2005 works with symbol files and how you can set up your own symbol servers.

Anchoring and Docking in Windows Forms Dealing with forms or controls re-sizing used to be tricky - the developer would need to write code to handle the WM_SIZE message - and that code would typically be brittle and hard to support. Visual ...
