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Wally on Some Cool Orcas Features

At the Atlanta Launch of Office and Vista, I got to hear a great term that was introduced to the crowd by the guys at ThreeWill... "WIIFM".

Danny Ryan:   And what does WIIFM stand for, Pete?

Pete Skelly:   What's In It For Me.

I haven't really looked much at Orcas yet.  When Wally McClure told me about some of the videos that he put up for the ASP.NET Podcast, I had to go look (despite that it means that I am contributing to the self-marketing schemes of More Wally).

(best Vinnie Barbarino impersonation here) Whoa.

JavaScript debugging finally works without magic incantations and offerings to the compiler gods?  Intellisense in JavaScript, even for web service proxies?!?  FINALLY, a real dev tool for the client side of AJAX.  Go check out the ASP.NET Podcast show #89 and ASP.NET Podcast show #90 and see for yourself.

Great job, Wally!