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Jon Box on Windows Phones and Windows Mobile 6.5 – and my quick take on the HTC Pure

Check out what my teammate, Jon Box, had to say about the new Windows Mobile 6.5 release yesterday.  I was just gearing up to write my own post, but Jon’s is an excellent round-up on the announcements and why they matter.   

See Jon’s Windows Phone (i.e., Windows Mobile 6.5) post here

htc-pure-attThe only thing I’ll add is that I went down to my local AT&T Wireless store this morning and tried out a new HTC Pure (a black one, not a purple one – this pic notwithstanding).  It feels good, and looks good.    The new IE browser is a massive improvement over the old Windows Mobile IE.  I like the Marketplace, although it will take a little time for people to ramp up the volume of apps.  (HINT: there’s a strong first-mover opportunity here, as it will be harder to get attention for your app later on.) 

All in all, I probably would’ve bought it but for one thing: typing was a major challenge for me.  I’ve never had a smart phone without a physical keyboard, and I don’t think I’m ready to start.  I’ll wait to upgrade until the Tilt 2, a new version of the Samsung Jack, and/or other Windows Mobile 6.5 keyboarded phones are available.   My friendly local AT&T rep says they should have all their new phones within the first 2 weeks of November.

Finally, here’s a more thorough review on the Windows Mobile 6.5 HTC Pure

Technorati Tags: Windows Phone,Windows Mobile 6.5