Xbox 360 Price Cut for UK and Ireland
It's a great time to be an Xbox fan: the price is coming down this Friday to 180 Euro, or 160 UK quid for the Arcade version - that's quite a deal. You can also get versions with 60Gb and 120Gb hard drives, which are probably a better deal in the long run. Still, you can always upgrade as you need to - the important thing is to discover what a great gaming machine you have when you hook it up (preferably to your high-definition flatscreen telly).
There are other interesting things happening really soon in Xbox land.. I'm sure I'll be mentioning them when I'm allowed to.. so crack open that piggy-bank and run to the toy shop on Friday.
You can read the official press release (\!1024FF975ACC773B\!442.entry), if you like that kind of thing, but my favourite line is:
“You’re in the Movies” is the first and only game of its kind to literally transport players into a magical world of cinema mixed with the hilarious world of improvisation.
I do wish folks would learn when they should and shouldn't use the word "literally". I wonder if we'll get sued when someone finds the aren't actually moved into a magical world?
- Anonymous
September 16, 2008
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