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FolderShare + Home Server + OSX = WIN

Not exactly a Home Server addin so I didn't add it to The List but I'm finding that FolderShare is yet another background service I can't live without for one very simple reason.  OSX.

FolderShare is something Windows Live are currently working on and is in open beta.  It allows you to set up distributed shared folders between various machines, including Mac's running OSX.  You can find more information at

A couple of examples of where this is use are:-

  • "Home" Edition of Windows that doesn't have Offline Files, use FolderShare to keep a Sync'd copy of your share on WHS on your local machine
  • Sync Shares with OSX which has no offline file support, my OSX now maintains a sync'd copy of my Photos share for example
  • Create a shared folder between you and a friends machine, drop a file in a folder and it will automatically (settings depandant) be replicated to thier machines
  • Web access to your files from (requires host machine to be running for this)
  • Syncing of files between home and work machines.  You can work on a file at home and drop it into a shared folder. It will be at work before you are.

...and so on.

 If you can see the benefit of FolderShare then give it a go, if you have the need for something like this you wont be disapointed.
