I've seen the "Chucky Bear"
Its a little scary opening up my blog posting UI while sitting at our annual Microsoft Research "Techfest" that is for "Blue Badge" employees only. But hey, I figure I can talk about stuff that ABC news gets to cover. Yes, I've seen the prototype bear in action. And yes, when I walked by and it started tracking me I was initially frightened. My second thought was that it reminded me of "teddy" from the movie "AI".... still slightly creeped out. :-)
Then I heard the pitch, realized that what they have is merely a prototype, and thought "in a world with electronic dogs for pets, why not electronic teddy bears for a child's friend?" I remember how disappointed I was, as a child, when it turned out that Teddy Ruxpin was only reading from pre-recorded tapes. Maybe future generations of kids won't have to live with that disappointment. :-)
- Anonymous
March 03, 2005
I'll put on my tinfoil hat everytime I pass a toystore... - Anonymous
March 04, 2005
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