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Social Networking Site or Rumor Mill? Unvarnished Lets You Burn – and Be Burned

Picture this: You and another coworker are vying for the same promotion, but your boss awards it to you. Your coworker congratulates you through gritted teeth, then logs on to a new corporate-inspired burn book, and blasts you for "sleeping your way to a promotion that you didn't deserve."

Sound far-fetched?

Not anymore. Today, Unvarnished made its debut. Unvarnished is an anonymous social network (think: LinkedIn meets Yelp review features) where professionals can praise—or criticize—past or present coworkers. Right now, the site is in invite-only beta (so you can breathe a momentary sigh of relief). But you can join the waiting list by visiting the site, or wait for a private alpha user to request a review from you via Facebook.

Once you're a member, you can choose to claim your profile (which gives you "super user" privileges, which include updates, ability to comment and request new reviews), but with a catch: You have to accept every post people have submitted—the good, the bad and the ugly. And once you've claimed your profile, there's not taking it down; it's there forever, the company says.

If you choose not to join, people can still post about you. You just won’t have the opportunity to add anything yourself. It's an unappetizing situation, either way.

I just don’t see an upside. There seem to be quite a few sites out there for rating you and your co-workers (a of sorts, only for people). In addition there is  that rates people by phone number or email and also that does co-worker feedback.