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Microsoft offers to just 'Fix it'

This really sounds good to me as I’m usually the one my family and friends call to fix various problems they have as they navigate the world of too many apps and new hardware to add to their computers.

Over the past six weeks, Microsoft has quietly added a "Fix it" button to a few of the thousands of help documents on its Web site. When clicked, the computer then takes all the recommended steps automatically.

An example of the "Fix it" button that has started showing up in some Microsoft help documents, offering users a one-click solution.

(Credit: CNET News)

"If we know what those 15 steps are why shouldn't we just script it," said Lori Brownell, Microsoft's general manager of product quality and online support

The "Fix it" option is still fairly rare, showing up in around 100 different help documents. The effort is growing rapidly, though, up from just four such fixes when the program quietly began in December.

Microsoft continues to offer users the option of doing things on their own if they either don't trust Microsoft or just like being in control.

"We're not trying to hide anything," she said.

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Now I’m thinking, how can we do this in the world of CRM. No matter what we decide though, I’m thinking this could be the next great thing in help documentation.  :o)
