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Microsoft Dynamics CRM and xRM

CRM is an acronym that stands for Customer Relationship Management. CRM is all about interactions with your customers in both the sales and/or service related fields. Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a software platform that at the very least allows your company to measure and control contacts with customers. This is a crucial aspect of business for all companies. A good CRM platform offers you:

  • The ability to track and report interactions with a customer, describing your customer's purchase interests or demands. It can also reports the changing needs of the customer and the way your business can react effectively to them.
  • CRM is a universal instrument for collecting data about the service requests, order entry, satisfaction and billing.
  • CRM allows you the ability to measure the performance of the business on the basis of internal benchmarks.
  • CRM facilitates the working processes by emphasizing on the positive and identifying the negative practices in your customer relations center.

eXtended Relationship Management (xRM) is a strategy that takes CRM one step further, focusing on managing all relationships—not just those with customers. The “X” in XRM stands for “All.” XRM provides a comprehensive, unified system for all aspects of business. XRM encompasses applications and business practices that go beyond traditional customer-centric CRM functionality. The “X” underpins a variety of applications that are tightly integrated and are used to manage internal and external transactional relationships. XRM is a strategic approach to understanding what makes a business thrive, what information needs to be tracked, by whom, and how it needs to be displayed and leveraged to facilitate better decisions. (Wikipedia)


CRM as a Rapid Development Platform – David Yack

Programming Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 – Mike Synder, Jim Steger

Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK

In a world where taking care of customers is job one, customizing your CRM solution to help you care for your customers efficiently is an imperative. Use xRM to make it easy for your company to be number one in customer care. Are you on top of your game?