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David Yack: XRM as a Rapid Dev Platform


I'm  reading David Yack's book, CRM as a Rapid Development Platform. As David sez,

"This book is not a "user" book, it's a developer book.   I might even go as far as saying a power admin that wants to understand more about what's going on would benefit as well.  The book goes deeper into developer topics like client scripting, web services, plug-ins and workflow than any of the other books currently released."

Chapter 15 is titled Workflow Re-Energized and found this:

"Microsoft completely re-energizes workflow in CRM 4.0 by not only replacing the workflow engine but by re-architecting how workflow is plumbed to integrate with platform. The first big change was dropping the proprietary workflow engine and replacing it with Microsoft's flagship workflow engine Windows Workflow Foundation."

In this chapter David goes on to explain workflow to a user, the requirements for the design of a good workflow and the difference between Workflow and Plug-ins. This is just but one example of the must read materials available in this book.


I'm listening to Larry Carlton's singing guitar on " It was only Yesterday on"
