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CRM New Years Resolutions - Redux

newyearbig I posted on the CRM Team Blog asking, "What are your New Year's Resolutions?". CRM MVP Joel Lindstrom with CustomerEffective wrote about his 10 New Years Resolutions. As you might guess, his resolution about the Microsoft Dynamics CRM community hit home for me.

5.  Get involved in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM community. 

One of my favorite things about Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 is the strong community of users around the world.  By tapping into this community you can find answers to questions, learn from other user's mistakes, help other users, and meet great people.  Probably the best place to start is the Microsoft Dynamics CRM forums.  There is very rarely a time where I have a question or see a CRM error message that a quick search of the forum finds someone else who has had the same question, and how they solved it.  Another great resource is the Microsoft Dynamics CRM newsgroups.

Next, update your RSS reader with the best CRM Blogs on the web.  Other than the CEI Blog (hey, I'm biased), a good starting point is the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Team Blog.  Any big news regarding Dynamics CRM will be covered there, since that is straight from the Dynamics CRM team.  For other blogs, check out the "Blogs We Read" list on the right side of the CEI Blog.

If you are into the social networking thing, join the Microsoft Dynamics CRM group on Facebook and the group on Linkedin.

And don't miss his vision quest resolution:

10.  Find out what's coming.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is never standing still.  Microsoft is very open about where they are going, and there are many good resources on the web highlighting what's coming for CRM 4 and the next version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, due in 2010.

Thanks for sharing Joel!

I'm listening to Ronny Jordan's "The Morning After" on
