How to apply a bios update to the HP 8540w
I am primarily posting this to increase visibility. I had many problems trying to apply the most recent bios to my 8540w, I always got an error that “SYSTEM DOES NOT CONTAIN THE NECESSARY WMI SUPPORT FOR THIS VERSION OF HPQFLASH” and something about a version 4…
This is trying to apply version F.20…
Turns out, I had a critical HP service disabled…
If you start this service up and try to re-apply BIOS, it should work.
HP support and documentation on this issue is sorely lacking, the only way I found this was by this forum post for a different machine…
So, many safe travels to you all out there.
November 11, 2012
April 23, 2014
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Your post is truly much MUCH appreciated.