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Viewing (and sharing) Publisher files

I seem to have become a top search engine result for queries for a Microsoft Publisher Viewer. The bad news is that there is no Microsoft Publisher Viewer. The good news is that we have a better solution to this problem coming with Publisher 2007. Every time we look at doing a Publisher Viewer, we run into the problem of how to get enough distribution that people could reliably share Pub files and count on the viewer being available at the other end. We also think there is a limit to the number of single-application viewers that people want to download. Instead what customers have long been asking us for is a way to get Publisher content into application-independent viewable formats.

For Publisher 2007, we plan to make available free add-ins from Microsoft that enable the generation of both PDF and XPS files from Pub. PDF viewers are widely deployed today, and XPS viewers are starting to become available. As they do for earlier versions of Publisher, we also expect that third parties will offer their own solutions for capturing and sharing output from Publisher.

For current versions of Publisher, your best bets for sharing Pub content electronically are printing to the Microsoft Office Document Imaging format (a viewer is part of various versions of Microsoft Office) or saving or printing through one of the various third-party tools that generate PDF.

Somewhat off topic, I also want to call out the Publisher Connect web site, which is a great way to provide us feedback. We recently put up this site and don't have a lot of content there right now, but we do have a way to provide feedback to the product team that won't bottleneck through me. For Publisher support questions, please see the Microsoft Publisher 2003 Help and Support Center on Microsoft Office Online. I cannot provide product support through this blog.


  • Anonymous
    August 16, 2006
    i need to open a publisher file but i seem to have the  wrong one as the file will not open can you help me

  • Anonymous
    August 22, 2006
    I don't think MS can get around creating a viewer for Publisher. People are already attempting to distribute .pub files.

    For those with .pub files that they want to read, I have come across the following free service that converts .pub into a readable .pdf format:

  • Anonymous
    August 26, 2006
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 10, 2006
    Not really much news though? Nice to see you are still alive after a very non-responsive year. Apology accepted.

    I'm glad there are still plenty of third parties alive and kicking to solve all the problems that Microsoft creates.

  • Anonymous
    September 22, 2006
    "I seem to have become a top search engine result for queries for a Microsoft Publisher Viewer. "
    This indicates that your customers want a VIEWER.
    Instead you convert that into this:
    "Instead what customers have long been asking us for is a way to get Publisher content into application-independent viewable formats."

    Are you really listening to your customers? No!
    That same deaf, cowardly, disgusting Microsftian atittude.
    Your software already allows your users to convert to a number of diferent types of files, document (txt; rtf;doc;ps) and graphic (tiff). But they don't.
    There are already a lot of free converters that allow your customers to convert to PDF. But they don't.
    They distribute *.pub files and want a VIEWER.

    In what a planet do you all live? In monopoly planet. Where you can do all and whatever you want.
    Without competition you don't have to satisfy your customers because Microsoft is all they have. They stuck, and you know it.
    You say: "Forget about it fools!" but disguise it as:

    "Instead what customers have long been asking us for is a way to get Publisher content into application-independent viewable formats."

    And they still will need to spend more money to buy this new version that will use this new plug-ins.

    It's very, very, very sad.
    Thank you.

  • Anonymous
    September 23, 2006
    Whole-heartedly support previous comment.  I'd be very happy if everyone published in application independant formats, but have an immediate problem with all the .PUB files around now.

    Why do you folks choose not to listen?

  • Anonymous
    October 31, 2006
    I AM TRYING TO DOWNLOAD MICROSOFT PUBLISHER 2007. CAN YOU PLEASE HELP ME DO SO.                                           THANK YOU,                                             CHRIS

  • Anonymous
    November 01, 2006
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 13, 2006
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 21, 2006
    Jay's point is well taken.  Are you authorized to respond?  Guess not.... Is there a limit to the number of single-application viewers that people want to download. Sure, if you count the number currently available - which is zero. Another dissatisfied customer.

  • Anonymous
    November 23, 2006
    Hey guys, no need to be abusive. Besides, I found a solution on this page: Worked fine for me.

  • Anonymous
    November 30, 2006
    "The bad news is that there is no Microsoft Publisher Viewer" I've been searching over a year for a .pup viewer, thank you for clearing that up. And thanks to Michael and Mikkel for publishing a link to a solution: pdfonline. It works a treat, its not a viewer as such but converts the .pup to pdf WITHOUT the need of having publisher installed. regards /David

  • Anonymous
    November 30, 2006
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 06, 2006
    Using the Publisher Trial as a Viewer Chris Pratley has a new post over in his OneNote blog ( that is very relevant to the Publisher viewer question. Every time you read "OneNote" in that post, substitute "Publisher" and you will have both a pointer to a way to view Publisher files without buying Publisher and another explanation of our thinking on the viewer question.

  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2006
    If you guys are that unhappy with Ms why not just buy a Mac. Once you go mac you'll never go back.

  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2006
    Because people still send you .pub files, and thus you still need to be able to read them on Mac, Windows or whatever.

  • Anonymous
    January 09, 2007
    Wrong! Let's say I have 30 users at a client site and NONE of them use Publisher or want to use Publisher? We have viewers available for Word, PPT, Excel, etc. all of which we have on our computers but it ends up being the "fringe" products like Publisher, Visio, and other great but less popular products that always require viewers. I think the point is that we don't want to have to go back to the client and have them redo their product in Publisher so that we can read it. They will end up ditching the product for something more universal. It was precisely the PPT viewer that helped launch PowerPoint into the mainstream in the 90s. Why don't they just make one for Publisher?

  • Anonymous
    January 23, 2007
    PrimoPDF and PDFOnline are good shortcuts, but it does not solve the need for a MS Publisher viewer.   In my past life, I had a PC.  And on that PC I had MS Publisher. Now I'm on a different OS - one which MS Office is hardly supported.  It is impossible for me to access my files.  It is such a hassle to convert multiple files into PDF when all I want to do is view them. Just my 2 copper.

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2007
    Mary - It looks like there are a couple of different issues in your comment: file compatibility and a viewer. I am sorry you are disappointed with Publisher, but this feels like a misunderstanding. If you have a recent copy of Publisher - Publisher 2002/XP, Publisher 2003 or Publisher 2007 - you should be able to open all Microsoft Publisher files that come your way. If you collaborate with someone using an older version of Publisher, such as Publisher 2000 or Publisher 98, then you will want to Save As the appropriate older format for their system. If you have received Publisher files that should open according to this description and do not, please email me through the contact info on this blog. We are interested in understanding why. There has never been a separate viewer program for Publisher. The most common ways that Publisher content is shared are in print, in rich email or as a web site. None of these require any version of Publisher on the recipients' end. If you are co-editing a Publisher document with someone else, then you will both need copies of Publisher. We recognize that there are times when you want to share an electronic version of, for example, a brochure or a catalog. To support this, Publisher 2007, plus a free add-in from Microsoft, enable saving to PDF, a format for which viewers are free and already widely deployed.

  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2007
    Again, the fundamental problem has NOT been addressed ie. users who wish to view documents in the .pub format are out of luck unless they PURCHASE very expensive software.  In the end, this will prove to be self defeating.  At my business when we recieve a .pub document we are forced to ask the sender to reformat and resend.  So far we've only had to ask each sender ONCE to reformat and all susequent correspondence is in a more universal format.  Users are "wising up" quickly to what MS is trying to do and reverting to previous methods.  As word spreads, managers are seeing the folly of purchasing a program that is so restrictive and does nothing that a combination of other applications can't already accomplish.  Publisher is a loser and, unfortunately, the R&D costs will probably be passed on to MS loyal customers. Just an opinion from a IT manager that will NEVER use Publisher.

  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2007
    Jeff Bell, if I were not looking to solve an actual, immediate problem, your replies to users' comments would be almost amusing to read. You selectively answer only portions of comments that are secondary to the main issue (everyone is in need of a viewer - for the twentieth time), so that you can try to avoid looking like a complete idiot, and making the company you work for look as though it is run by myopic idiots. While you repeatedly avoid directly addressing every poster's primary concern (that a viewer is needed for Publisher). You are a worthless corporate shill. And I would like to extend a grateful "thank you" to those end users who suggested workable solutions.

  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2007
    Even though I caught on rather early that MS Publisher was purposefully designed so as not to be compatible with anything else, including other MS products; I've been a little bit sheepish about my inability to VIEW the files. The best thing would be for everyone to stop being diplomatic, tell people who use Publisher that they've naively bought into MS's never ending attempts at monopolization, and INSIST that the senders of Publisher files send them something else. And to stop being diplomatic about it. Time to stop trying to accommodate dumb peoples' purchases of a dumb product, get on with it, and insist that they never ever receive another Publisher file ever. If clients can't figure that out, then it's time to leave those clients and get on with spending more time on clients who do not insist on crippling people with stupid software. Life is too short. MS is buIIsh1t.

  • Anonymous
    February 05, 2007
    Let me try a different approach here. I am pleased to announce that there is a downloadable viewer available for MS Publisher files. It is the Publisher 2007 trial, available here: For the first 60 days, it will even allow you to create and edit Publisher files. After that it becomes view-only unless it is activated into the fill product. For more details, read Chris Pratley's post here(, substituting Publisher everywhere he says OneNote. And of course, for everyone creating content in Publisher that they want to share, and don't want to require recipients to download a unique viewer for, there are the many ways of converting to other formats such as PDF that have been discussed here and in the Publisher 2007 newsgroup.

  • Anonymous
    February 06, 2007
    How can I convert a Pub to Doc ? I'm in need of help

  • Anonymous
    February 06, 2007
    JM - First off, probably the best place to ask this question is in the Publisher newsgroup where you will get a broader set of answers: There is no full-fidelity way to turn a Pub into a Word document. This is because there are many features in Publisher that do not have direct counterparts in Word. Publisher does have a feature to Save As a Word document, but this will only save the formatted text and not the layout of your publication. Depending on what you are starting with, this may or may not meet your needs. Beyond this, you are into the realm of clever workarounds, which is a place where the newsgroups excel. One such workaround which may yield better results would be to Save As HTML from Publisher and then to import that into Word. Another would be good old copy and paste.

  • Anonymous
    February 11, 2007
    I am another frustrated, former MS user, who attempted to open a .pub file.  After following the lengthy registration requirements at I was presented with the message: "We are sorry, but we are unable to complete your request.  The following problem(s) exist:  One or more required fields is blank. Please answer all required questions."   Repeated attempts to comply with the requirements to fill in all fields in BOLD were met with the same silly message.  This further frustrates me to the point that I will make it my mission ito convince everyone I know to avoid MS products.

  • Anonymous
    February 12, 2007
    Offering a MASSIVE cippleware download to accomplish ONE task (view .PUB) files seems like overkill unless that is supposed to lead to my PURCHASING the product; something I know going in I am NOT going to do.... WE NEED A STAND ALONE VIEWER...if this is to become a product in wide use or, as I said before, it will remain a loser..... An IT manager who will NEVER use Publisher (except the stand alone viewer I KNOW must come)

  • Anonymous
    February 16, 2007
    Could that be possible, that the new .pub specification is based on OpenXML standard?

  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2007 - worked for me - thanks for tip guys.

  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2007
    YES!! it works great! Thanks for the link!

  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2007
    yes!!!it works great!thank you

  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2007
    "Let me try a different approach here. I am pleased to announce that there is a downloadable viewer available for MS Publisher files. It is the Publisher 2007 trial, available here:" Haha. Really funny. Mr Bell ! You don't want to understand any request, doesn't it ? So, why this blog still exists ? You just have to write : " I'm Jeff Bell, a microsoft program manager, it doesn't mind what you think, and request, because I do what I want, and I'm paid for that !"

  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 13, 2007
    There are many ways to accomplish the viewer task. Many people here seem to only accept one solution: "a lightweight standalone viewer" Sorry, but it's not possible. Perhaps you'd like to try one of the many workarounds? Or perhaps you'd just rather cry. Also to the previous poster: It is impossible to reply to every post. Not every post deserves a response.

  • Anonymous
    March 13, 2007
    I have 93 ancient Publisher 2.0 files that I would like to migrate to either Word or Publisher 2007. I am not expecting any answers from Microsoft, but it would be terrific if any one had experience in this area. I am willing to pay for an adequate conversion. Thanks, Jens Brown

  • Anonymous
    March 13, 2007
    Jens - As you may be aware, a security update to Publisher last year removed the ability for Pub 2000, 2002 and 2003 to open Publisher 2 files. Publisher 2007 also does not open these. (There are more details in this KB article: Only support for Publisher 2 files was removed; all newer versions of Pub files are still supported. You should be able to open these files and resave them in the current (>= 2002) Publisher format if you have access to a copy of Publisher without the above security update. (If you do temporarily uninstall the update, prudence dictates that you not open Pub files from unknown sources until you have reinstalled it.) If you want to find someone who will convert these files for you, your odds are pretty good on the Publisher newsgroup:

  • Anonymous
    March 14, 2007
    Du musst ein Fachmann sein - wirklich guter Aufstellungsort, den du hast!

  • Anonymous
    March 22, 2007
    Like loads of others I am crying after wasting about four hours. I ignored others sensible advice about not downloading the so-called "trial" version. It is NOT a trial version AT ALL. It merely allows you to view files. My task? To get the layout and graphics for a community newsletter from the previous "editor" . I would have been better off spending that time creating a new document from scratch. Microsoft - grow up. Realise that sharing is the way of the world and stop pretending that a trial version is anything but a scam to rob us of yet more money.

  • Anonymous
    March 23, 2007
    Paul - I don't understand your comment. The trial version is a full-featured version of the application for a limited time (60 days, I think.) After that, core functionality does get disabled making it a read-only experience. Until then, you do get the full experience of the application.

  • Anonymous
    March 23, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 26, 2007
    I too have been searching for a Publisher viewer.   Based on Jeff's comment on Friday, March 23, 2007 1:35 PM, "  ...The trial version is a full-featured version of the application for a limited time (60 days, I think.) After that, core functionality does get disabled making it a read-only experience. ...".   Am I to understand that the "trial version" can be used as a viewer after the expiration of the trail period??  

  • Anonymous
    March 26, 2007
    R Spring - You are correct. The Publisher 2007 trial will function as a viewer after the trial period expires.

  • Anonymous
    March 29, 2007
    So far, what I have done is copy (one page a time) publisher pages as html into powerpoint. It is extremely time consuming but it works (most of the time).

  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2007
    Maybe you keep getting requests for information you do not have is because it says here that you do: ~Cheers

  • Anonymous
    April 06, 2007
    Good comments. Nice to know you can only open .pub in Publisher. Work at weekly newspaper and get .pub files all the time. Never used the program. Question: Does the user have options to save in any format that Word or Quark or even Text Edit can read? Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    April 06, 2007
    I've been sent a microsoft pulisher file and cannot open it in publisher 2000...any ideas how I can view this file?

  • Anonymous
    April 06, 2007
    Ignore last blog - Just tried: And worked fine for me!!!

  • Anonymous
    April 07, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    April 07, 2007
    btw, nice viewer, 222mb, even on adsl its going to take hours to download.....

  • Anonymous
    April 15, 2007
    It's also rather telling that there is a "Compatibility Pack" for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint to allow users of the 'viewer' to exchange files between previous versions, but no "Compatibility Pack" for Publisher.  I've long thought of Publisher as the red-headed step child in the Office household, despite an instant affection for the program when I first used Publisher 97.  Once a new version came out and found myself forced into a cycle of planned obsolesence, I gave up on Publisher.  I routinely try to direct others from using it; I explain that there is nothing in Publisher which can't be accomplished in other programs.  It's clear that Publisher fits right where Microsoft wants it's an emoticon "user friendly" simplified application for those who are afraid to or are limited by time from using other apps.  It's solely a revenue stream because there is no way Microsoft would break any of the workhorses of the Office suite.  That's why Jeff is giving out lugheaded answers and avoiding the issue of inoperability between versions.  It's his job to keep the scrapbooking money coming in; if Publisher were truley designed to be a professional publishing program Microsoft would have long ago gotten the orange haired kid out of the shed.  For the record, after years of avoiding Publisher and proclaiming the futility of using it, I've spent hours trying to open one emailed Publisher file, I've downloaded the viewer, and have seen nothing to convince me that Publisher is anything more than a toy.  But hey, nice sinecure position there Jeff.  

  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2007
    Don't upgrade to the next version of publisher ... Use PDF online to view files already created. Get an opensource version of all your applications ... openoffice etc. Next time you change your PC get Linux as an operating system ! Stop sending MS the money since they obviously don't appreciate it !

  • Anonymous
    April 17, 2007
    Thanks to the person who posted the pdf online solution. I do graphic design and can open all kinds of files in all kinds of programs -- everything but Publisher files. They won't open anywhere! But PDF Online solved the problem, because now I can open the pdf in photroshop, indesign, quark, word, etc. etc. etc. THANKS!!

  • Anonymous
    April 19, 2007
    Thanks to those who posted  It solved my problem.  Thanks also to Jeff Bell for leaving this blog entry online even though he has been insulted in it many times.  I'm not kidding.  It would be easy enough for him to delete.  The comments here are the best resource around for people like me who receive a .pub file and have no idea what to do with it.  

  • Anonymous
    April 21, 2007
    PDFONLINE works just fine! Thanks for the tip guys! A disgruntled receiver of .pub files.

  • Anonymous
    April 23, 2007
    I am just so dissapointed in MS. I only want to open a .pub... And they simply don't have any kind of vieuwer? I thought of buying me a new mac..

  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2007
    THANK YOU SO MUCH for a link to something that does SOMETHING with publisher files. I am on a mac so it has always been so frustrating continuously having to go back to clients and asking them for something else so I could at least see what they did. It will be nice in future versions if you offer a pdf option do you think maybe you could look into your hearts and add the plug-ins to the versions you already have out so people do not have to upgrade? On a more personal note how about just sticking with office products and leaving document creation to Adobe and Quark (you know where they do give you easy ways to convert and send your files so people can actually read them) just a thought, but if you do someday in the distant future add the ability to create pdf's PLEASE make it user friendly trying to get people to save them as jpg's always seems to be so difficult, I have never used publisher so I do not know how much is user error, but for how many clients have had problems with it, it can't be that easy. Thanks

  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2007
    I also thank Jeff Bell for keeping this blog up after being repeated insulted.  The link to was an important find for me.  The only issue is the 2MB limit on uploaded files. Everything else has been said. t

  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 02, 2007
    i am trying to download microsoft know the one that you can make booklets on??? I need your help please

  • Anonymous
    May 02, 2007
    i am trying to download microsoft know the one that you can make booklets on??? I need your help please

  • Anonymous
    May 09, 2007
    I don't want to use PDFonline! I don't trust some website to convert my documents online. I want a tool I can use completely offline, so that my data remains private! I don't want to have to call some admin to install some PDF conversion software on my PC! Give me a simple .exe that does the job without requiring administrative privileges! And being able to view publisher files should even be possible BY DEFAULT on any windows installation! Just put .doc, .pub, .xls, etc viewers in every windows installation! If you don't, well I don't care, I'm already under GNU/Linux. It's your problem if people switch.

  • Anonymous
    November 10, 2007
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    January 08, 2008
    I have searched and searched the web and cannot find another problem like mine. I downloaded the MS Office 2007 Trial but am only having this problem with Publisher .... Word Excel etc seem fine I created some documents in Publisher 2007 that now, after the trial has expired, I can only open and work on if I first right click, then "Open in Publisher 2003".  When I go to save the file (which it says is in 2003 version), it still saves it as a 2007 version which I again have to right click and ask it to Open in Publisher 2003.  This is tedious and very annoying. THEN to boot, I opened another folder with a bunch of Publisher 2003 files that I had not worked on doing the trial (therefore were created in Pub.2003) but ALL of them are now Read Only Publisher 2007 files! HOW CAN I CONVERT ALL MY PUBLISHER FILES BACK TO 2003 version please? And if I did uninstall the 2007 MS Office, will I lose all my files that: a: I created in 2007 b: have somehow been converted to 2007 HELP PLEASE!!!   Thank you! -- HNLGAL

  • Anonymous
    February 10, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2008
    Microsoft has long preyed on users who know nothing about computers, that's the way it's been, that's the way it will continue to be. Many of these users are typing simple text documents but do it in Word or Publisher because they don't know better. If that's the case, the text from a pub file can be easily extracted with this command (on linux): strings -e l > filename.txt

  • Anonymous
    March 17, 2008
    NOVAPDF.COM Everyone go there!  I launched an email newsletter last week.  I have speant hours upon hours creating about 40 of these newsletters in Publisher in hopes of getting well ahead of myself for future emailings.  Emagine my pain when I had nearly 240 responses immediately after sending my first one out from people who were dissapointed that they could not open it!  I saw flashes of my hard work being dragged into the "Trash Can" on desktops all over the US. After much searching I came accross  They offer an unlimmited useage trial version and one you can buy for around 30 bucks.  The only difference being that in the trail version, there is a footer on each page advertising  No big deal for me. It works much like the imagewriter option does.  In your project you click print, then under the option to select printer, you select the NOVA option.  This saves your project to your hard drive in a *.PDF version rather than *.pub.  You can then attatch the PDF document in an email and send it worldwide.     -----WONDERFUL!!!-----

  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2008
    The May 15, 2008 edition of Redmond Developer News magazine arrived at my door today. I had to immediately

  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2008
    The May 15, 2008 edition of Redmond Developer News magazine arrived at my door today. I had to immediately

  • Anonymous
    April 10, 2009
    Well, I am absolutely thrilled!  I found that after the free trial version of Publisher expires you can still use it as a .pub VIEWER!    If one doesn't intend to create .pub files, there is no need to buy the full program.  Here's what I found: Receiving a publication "If you receive a Publisher (.pub) file in e-mail and you are unable to open it, you can download a trial version of Publisher." "After the trial expires, you can still use the trial version as a viewer for Publisher files, even though you can no longer create or change publications."

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2010
    I couldn't use the site mentioned earlier as it was 'down for maintenance', but I did find which converts the file online and emails you it in a matter of minutes. I hope I don't have to deal with another .pub file, it seems a ridiculously closed-format intended just to drive more people to install Publisher...

  • Anonymous
    August 02, 2010
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    September 08, 2010
    No, think you'll find once i buy a MAC i will be heavily out of pocket for something that should have cost a fraction of the price, will break quicker (have worked in a number of offices where they only use MACs, internal hardware always needed replacing), not be able to do half the things i want and like to do on computers and own something that wasn't as good or as efficient as the item i could have bought cheaper.