Application Deployment Client Side Deep Dive in Microsoft SCCM
In this video guide, we will be covering how you can deploy software updates in Microsoft SCCM. This covers important aspects of deploying updates such as collection structure, maintenance windows, automatic deployment rules (ADRs), deadlines, and much more. This will be a great follow up from my last blog Deep Dive in Microsoft SCCM Software Updates Client and Server Components
Video Guide
Topics in Video
- Review 7-Zip application with its two deployment types that we will deploy to the client -
- Review client being used to install applications -
- Force machine policy to see how the policy for the application deployment is processed -
- Review PolicyAgent.log and Datatransferservice.log to see how the application deployment policy is downloaded -
- Review where policy for the application deployment gets stored in WMI (ROOT\ccm\Policy\Machine\ActualConfig:CCM_ApplicationCIAssignment.AssignmentID="{90D5A10E-12C4-4362-AF19-E391FD2964C4}") using WMIExplorer.exe -
- Review the ClientSDK that software center uses to pull application details from (ROOT\ccm\ClientSDK:CCM_Application.Id="ScopeId_6541FA90-052F-476D-A7E7-C0F3B34EC1B8/Application_6a1d9353-9bca-4db6-927b-a4716de46596") -
- Review components involved in evaluating the application (Configuration Item) components involved include (DCMAgent.log, CIDownloader.log, CIStateStore.log, DataTransferService.log, CIAgentJob.log, AppIntentEval.log, CIAgent.log, CCMSDKProvider.log, SCNotify.log, SCToastNotification.log, and StateMessage.log -
- Initiate installation of the application -
- Review components involved in the application installation -
- Review the content location lookup request from the client for the applications deployment type needed -
- Review how AppEnfore.log actually performed the installation of the file used for the deployment type's installation command -
- Review how the installed rule detection is performed once the installation command is completed -
- Review update instances for the application deployment in WMI after the installation -
Helpful Resources:
- Introduction to application management in Configuration Manager - /en-us/sccm/apps/understand/introduction-to-application-management
- Application Deployment Types- /en-us/sccm/apps/understand/introduction-to-application-management#deployment-type
- Create deployment types for the application - /en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/create-applications#bkmk_create-dt
- Application requirement rules - /en-us/sccm/apps/understand/introduction-to-application-management#requirements
- Deployment type content options - /en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/create-applications#bkmk_dt-content
- Deployment type Detection Method options - /en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/create-applications#bkmk_dt-detect
- Deploy applications with Configuration Manager - /en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/deploy-applications
- Default application return codes - /en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/create-applications#default-return-codes
- Supported deployment types - /en-us/sccm/apps/deploy-use/create-applications#bkmk_deploy-types
- Create Windows applications in Configuration Manager - /en-us/sccm/apps/get-started/creating-windows-applications
- What application types can you deploy? - /en-us/sccm/apps/understand/introduction-to-application-management#what-application-types-can-you-deploy
- How applications use state-based reporting for compliance - /en-us/sccm/apps/understand/introduction-to-application-management#state-based-applications
- Applications in Software Center - /en-us/sccm/apps/understand/introduction-to-application-management#software-center
- Plan for and configure application management in Configuration Manager - /en-us/sccm/apps/plan-design/plan-for-and-configure-application-management