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Memory you can never have enough !

Well my order is in and I am waiting in great anticipation for my SPV M3100 to arrive. I am looking forward to its arrival as I will be able to move up to Windows Mobile 5 and take advantage of the Direct push functionality as opposed to scheduled synch. Apart from being a really cool device this will help me in my day job. I visit allot of different customer sites where Internet connection is not readily available to visiting engineers. Hopefully no longer will "Ugg" be my standard response to any email, I will be able to respond in an expansive manner plus maybe use my pocket PC as the source for my slide deck presentation using PowerPoint Mobile. In anticipation of my new arrival I was doing some research around how to make the most of the 128 MB SDRAM this particular Pocket PC comes with, as I anticipate taking full advantage of the extra memory and potential useful applications I will be able to load up onto it. My research led me to an excellent Blog article posted on the Windows Mobile Team Blog. This really lifts the lid on how Pocket PCs and Smart Phones handle low memory situations in the an environment where memory is constricted. This certainly helped me understand the mechanics and processes involved in checking for low memory situations. There is also a link to a function that runs within Windows Mobile 5 called SHCloseApps, which will invoke the "shell low memory check routine" to try and ease the low memory situation. I anticipate that I will be using this quite allot :). BTW I am posting this using Windows Live Writer. I can certainly back up what my colleagues Eileen Brown and Steve Clayton amongst others have been saying about it. A great feature I like is the ability to insert a Windows Live Local map directly into your post. This is powered by Virtual Earth. and adds a great  new dimension to your blogs. However I must practise not publishing but saving to draft before I am ready !
