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Connected Women in Technology a Great Day at Dell !

Well our 4th Connected Women in Technology Event went really well on Weds 30th of September. It was Dells turn to host the event at their HQ in Bracknell, and I was pleased to say over 200 women from Dell , Google, Microsoft, Nortel , Cisco , IBM, Intel, HP were in attendance. When I get the photos I will post them up here. The theme of the day was

“Discovering Your Strengths to make an impact”

A really inciteful session was run by Eileen Brown talking about Johari. I have learnt about a little bit more about what peoples perception of me is from doing this exercise. So this is what mine turned out like…….as you can see…nobody said I was quiet and retrospective :).

If you want to do yours click here


It was also nice to get some press coverage of the event.

Have a great weekend !


