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The new challenge

As Dennis blogged about two months ago, I've taken on a new challenge at Microsoft.   I'm now responsible for leading a team of evangelists in Microsoft's Developer & Platform Evangelism group.  Please no comments about MS middle management - I've heard them all at this point. :)  So what is my team doing?   We're responsible for evangelizing the technologies that will be used to build server-based applications (although the line betwen client and server is blurring).  We're currently focusing on these areas:

There are a couple evangelists (Marc Mercuri & Vittorio Bertocci) on my team that work on a program called Enterprise Go.  Basically, Enterprise Go is designed to help key customers our new technologies that are in beta. 

It's a fun team, with several opportunities and challenges ahead as Microsft prepares to relase WinFx and Longhon Server.
