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2 new Windows Workflow Foundation screencasts

I recorded two Windows Workflow Foundation screencasts that are now live on Channel9. You can view the screencasts and download the code now.

The first screencast is a simple "Hello Workflow" example that gives you a tour of the Windows Workflow Foundation designer and Visual Studio 2005 extensions while showing the core technology concepts. The second is a demo of the Ordering State Machine workflow application that we have published on the site

here. This demo shows the benefits of a state machine workflow and shows how a workflow can be dynamically changed/updated at runtime.  Pravin Indurkar and I built this demo a few months ago and we've found that it's a great way to visually show the concepts of a state machine workflow in WWF. Both screencasts are only 10 minutes long.

Please let me know if these screencasts are helpful and what additional ones you would like to see.  

James Conard | Architect Evangelist - Windows Workflow Foundation | |


  • Anonymous
    October 04, 2005
    The screencast on state machines gives a very helpful introduction to what you can do with this technology. It tells you just what you need to know to get a first understanding of what goes on: Instantiation of workflows, consuming events, accessing specific instances, dynamic update on an instance. I would like to see a similar screencast on rules and policies.
  • Anonymous
    October 08, 2005
    Thanks for the feedback. I'll pass along the feedback to the PM that owns the Rules Engine in Windows Workflow Foundation and encourage him to record one.