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Where did THAT come from? And other Inoun fat boy associations.

After our last journey together in phlegm land, a rabid Inoun reader asked, "Where did that come from?" Honestly, I don't know. But that wasn't really what he was asking. I think what he was really asking was, "Are you okay? Did something bad happen that I should know about or that I can help you with?" I told him no. But we really didn't have a lot of time to talk about it or for this poor phlegmatic phlegm filled fat boy to explain.

So I will here. And what I am going to do is give you an idea of just one, and only one of the many ways I go about writing this blog. Please join with me on my journey as an observer within the Inoun caves and mists of darkness as we explore the unknown depths of our next incomprehensible Inoun blog entry. Let the magic begin. XYZZY.


If you remember from our last encounter and blog entry, all of the words, well most of them, had an "F" sound to them. But it was mostly written with a "PH". It is an interesting thing. That "PH" sound. Say it out loud, "Ph", "PH", "PH". Fabulous. And it reminded me of the word phlegm as well as the phlebotomy experience I mentioned. And I thought to my self. "Self. You should write something about it." And I realized, as the lone man in the woods, that there was no way that anyone would ever find me using such strange words in combination with each other. Well, within the search world I live in anyway. Cool. It's like the kid who stole candy from the cupboard without his mom finding out. And then, once again, it hit me. "WHAT IF SOMEONE ACTUALLY DID?" Wouldn't that be cool too? Let's see if I can actually write something that will get a few hits. Not as in Britney Spears or Olivia Wilde kind of hits, but real search hits. And so the journey began. Not unlike this blog entry. It is a journey. A journey through the associations and mind of the that hidden creature we have little known nor long remembered, Inoun. A creature, not unlike Stitch. Cute and fluffy. With a pair of extra arms. Sometimes big teeth, but usually just soft, blue, and well, bedorable. And if you actually happened to look up the phrase phlegmatic personality, (which I know you didn't because nobody ever does), you would soon realize that there are some really interesting associations in there. Which started us on that interesting journey last time.

So for instance (and this is a new one), if I were to try not to offend my audience too much, I might write the word parc. Which is of course a word used all of the time in society. Just not spelled that way. And once made, it is an association that I can now use over and over again. As in, "oh PARC, I can't believe I just did that!" "Parc! That search engine just went down." Or as what happened the other day with our little random molecules when my misses said, "parc" and everyone repeated it, "parc, parc, parc" and she freaked out and said, "Stop it! We don't talk that way at our house." To which I said, "maybe from now on, we should all start saying the word, parc." Which of course reminded me of that Dave Barry article where he used the word, "elppin" and got away with it. BID.

And every once in a long long time ago while it is really fun and sometimes even funny. For instance, I was just on a call, just now, yes right now, and we changed a phrase, "rules of engagement (ROE)" to "setting mutual expectations." And all of this was because ROE seemed somewhat adversarial. Going into battle with the customer and such. AND WE CAN"T HAVE THAT when working with customers.

Even though it might actually be true.

An Inoun example!

So if I were to write the phrase, "pushing up daisies", depending on where you are from, that might mean something to you. If you are from another country, you probably won't understand that this means, "death". It is really quite a disturbing but peaceful visual.

But they are just words. They are all just words. And words do men (I ment men mean as in men mean go into battle) something, but that something is different in every single solitary one of us. We all Inoun differently. Where we get ourselves in trouble in working, when with other each with working is we think when that is there more it to that then with where there is. And often / sometimes there is. And that's the challenge. We never really know. We never really know the real intent. And that's what creates all of the problems.

But this blog is not meant to be like that. Sure, every once in a while, I will take a jab at something or someone, but in general, when you think of Inoun, I want you to think of Stitch. As in, Lilo and Stitch. Still learning, often does the wrong things, but in the end, blue, cute, and fluffy. And just like Stitch, I am learning words, associating them in the Inoun noggin, and then using the words in this blog as practice. And then, because the lonely Inoun works completely within the confounds (not confines) of a search blog, a lone Stitch in the woods, corner of the information super highway.... I trie (yes trie) to make it all make sense to you my dear rabid reader.

So back to pushin' up daisies. And how this blog / Inoun / Stitch / phlegm autism of a mind word works. Well kind of. No autism, phlegm maybe, but there you have it. An association example. BID.

Pushing up daisies. While I was writing this blog on a break, a co-worker IM'd / Lync'd me, and said, that they were looking for someone. Here are the direct quotes:

{snip} [10:23 AM]:

I'm looking for someone who is 'green' and in the office to test something for me.

Inoun [10:24 AM]:

green yes, but not in the office. :-)

{snip} [10:24 AM]:

ok, {snip} told me to check with {snip}, so I guess I'll email him (he's 'red') thanks

Clearly he has no idea why I am laughing. FOOC laughing. He thinks we are talking about my availability in IM. But when I think of red, I am thinking of failing and failed companies whose logos are red (think Novell), and phrases like, "red square".

And so, dear rabid reader, if you allow yourself to venture into the land of Inoun associations, it can be a tonne o fun. Not unlike exploring a cave. There is a certain rush that comes when you suddenly find something that may have never been found or seen before. Like Stitch.

So, lastly, I leave you dear reader with one lone funny association that is associated with our current IM story. Which I may or may not explain to you in the future.

When I think of "green", I think of pushing up daisies.


  • Anonymous
    April 18, 2011
    ARE YOU OKAY inoun?!?! ask the wifey to buy you some chocolate... JK too much.... "?????"-ness... sorry, stalker luvs ya, i need some.... more going green. you? (: bye Inoun