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Search and Other Linguistical Magic. Syntactical sugar and creating search. Learn SEO. Making search better, smarter, stronger, faster. The fun side of search. Finding, learning, exploring and creating great search experiences with Bing, SharePoint.

Cowboys, Aliens, Olivia Wilde Hair and Chiffon dresses

What pray tell are you talking about Inoun? It's pretty simple. Veebs at her Iverb blog decided to...

Date: 07/31/2011

Chiffian? Midup? Xyzzy?

Chiffian. Really? Children.... Yes, that is what my cousin wrote about. Veebs.... tsk, tsk, tsk. Did...

Date: 07/31/2011

Google and other unmentionables...

Just because you can't do something doesn't mean that you should. For some reason this comes up all...

Date: 06/27/2011

Brachycephalic Dogs and making search SEO pretty

Brachycephaly in dogs means that they have noses that are shorter than their faces are wide. Well,...

Date: 05/16/2011

Sold by weight, not by volume

So I'm sitting at the breakfast table this morning doing what 99.85% of Americans do every morning....

Date: 05/16/2011

Ex Spec Tation

[ed. Ex Pec Tation - a search before the article revealed nothing useful. A query after this article...

Date: 05/11/2011

About: "Microsoft's Bing uses google search results and denies it", Bing SEO, learn SEO, Britney Spears, Olivia Wilde, and other search fat boy fat burning furnace "improvements"... torsorophy, tarsorrhaphy, hiybbprqag

[ This is great! After this article first published, we had some very interesting first results...

Date: 03/31/2011

Rest assured, C is useless, and other irascible phalanges salutes part due

If you hadn't figured it out yet, phalanges was misspelled last time. Yes, on porpoise. So why a...

Date: 03/21/2011

Bing Steals Google Search Results

A reader was pretty upset with me about my blog entry about search, Bing and stealing Google...

Date: 03/07/2011

Conservation and the irony of going green

[ed. A few minutes after this article was published, we got this number one search hit:...

Date: 03/04/2011

Google plays nice and It's all fun and games until someone pokes out an I

Microsoft without an I is just Mcrosoft. Inoun without an I is just a noun. Which is what I am. So I...

Date: 02/07/2011

Bumbering and Google accuses Microsoft of cheating, stealing, copying code and misleading search results

[ed. After this article posted we got the first result on Google for "bumbering google"...

Date: 02/07/2011

Google and Bing steal, copy, invent the Internet and steal Facebook results part II

[ed. After publishing this article, we were able to get the #1 result on Google for: "Google invents...

Date: 02/06/2011

Google steals Bing search results Google uses Bing search results, fat boy fat burning furnace, torsoraphy, tarsorrhapy, hiybbprqag, delhipublicschool40, chdjob, juegosdeben1ogrande

[ed. Just after this article was released, we got the first result in google for:...

Date: 02/04/2011

Where did THAT come from? And other Inoun fat boy associations.

After our last journey together in phlegm land, a rabid Inoun reader asked, "Where did that come...

Date: 01/28/2011

Phlegmatic, phlegm, humorous labotomies, sanguine phlebotomies, and choleric, humouristic psychology

I often, with a high probability and chance of unusual philanthropy, am generally quite a bit...

Date: 01/26/2011

fat burning furnace scam farce macs scam, words that sound funny scam google elgoog, bing gnib, oracle elcaro, fat burning furnace scam sham flame farce ecanruf gninrub taf, and other words that sound not so funny together

[ed. Is it possible to write an article about an SEO scam, farce, and "fix" companies who have tried...

Date: 01/12/2011

Scam, Scams, Fat Burning Furnace, and other SEO diputs stupid companies

[ed. Click I was able to beat them at their...

Date: 01/08/2011

Rabid readers and Fat Boy's are tasty

Our story today starts with Hansel and Gretel and a cannibalistic witch. As you know, the witch was...

Date: 01/06/2011


Okay. I will keep this one simple. The way to think about search is that all words on the Internet...

Date: 01/05/2011

Fun Search Games with Olivia Wilde, SEO, Hair, Tron, Koobface, Legacy, Rettiwt, and how to train your search dragon

The other day a ridiculously rabid reader, who shall remain heretofore anonymous, Alex, an Englished...

Date: 01/04/2011

Learning SEO, Bing, Windows Server, Syntactical Sugar, Home Owners, Death, Tron Legacy, Hair, Billable Hours and other Associations

How do you create and learn best practices for SEO? I am glad you asked! Sure there are those who...

Date: 12/22/2010

Learn how to SEO with Bing to Google part 2

Werrwe interwesting... The spearmint worked. That's all I have to say. Well, not really. About the...

Date: 12/15/2010

It's simple really. DON'T DO STUPID THINGS. If you want to seo with google, google and seo, seo to...

Date: 12/14/2010

Tron Legacy Movie SharePoint SEO Bing Search TLA and other Acronyms....

Inoun what does this mean (yada yada)? I am glad you asked. But first the disclaimer. All product...

Date: 12/12/2010

SharePoint !@#$, expletives and other cuss words I swear with...

I swear at SharePoint! Oh, uh, no... I got that wrong. I mean, "I swear by SharePoint!" Did you see...

Date: 12/08/2010

Home owners associations mean death?

It worked! All of the previous posts that is... If you look on the righthand sidebar, you will see a...

Date: 12/04/2010

Home Owners, Death, Taxes and Other Associations: part 2

I knew I was in trouble. A lot of trouble. And I just knew it. You know how you get that really sick...

Date: 12/02/2010

Deck the Halls and Stopwords Have Feelings Too

After working in search for a while, someone will eventually tell you that you can't include a word...

Date: 12/01/2010

Everybody's mean

I mean it. Peanut. As a group, combined, we are mean. Average that is. Any mathematician will tell...

Date: 11/30/2010

Anybody Wanna Peanut?

A long while ago in a galaxy far, far away, my children made me watch a show. "The Princess Bride."...

Date: 11/29/2010

Home Owners, Death and other Associations

Can we go nuts? One of the comments I got on my original INOUN post was, "so we can't go nuts?"...

Date: 11/27/2010


Today, in the U.S., we are celebrating Thanksgiving. What a wonderful day! So why the title? What...

Date: 11/25/2010

How search works

Wanna C some thin really cool?...

Date: 11/24/2010

Haiku's are easy....

Thinking clear haiku's Autumn Smile Really? I have no idea if that is even a good one. But I know...

Date: 11/23/2010

When life gives you melons....

As some of you may know, I like to collect t-shirts. And I wear them to work just to see what kinds...

Date: 11/22/2010

Fun with search and "Where do you want to go today?"

A number of years ago, Microsoft took out a ton of ads at Comdex. All they posted were cute little...

Date: 11/22/2010

Inoun - do we really need another blog?

I was joking around with a friend of mine the other day, and he told me that, "I have an...

Date: 11/18/2010