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Blog Posts of the Week (30th June'13 - 06th July'13)



Reflection in JavaScript

By Dhananjay Kumar published on 07-01-2013

While working with JavaScript you may come across a scenario when you need to reflect type of a particular property. Let us say you have an object….(more)


How to create a node in the quick launch bar using CSOM in SharePoint 2013

By Vijai Anand published on 07-01-2013

In this blog you will see how to create a node in the quick launch bar using CSOM in SharePoint 2013….(more)


[Exception: Solution] - An exception of type 'System.UnauthorizedAccessException' occurred in but was not handled in user code

By Karthikeyan Anbarasan published on 07-03-2013

We might end up with the above exception while developing your window phone application development, basically on the location services enabled application development. To resolve this issue….(more)


SQL Server: Search a string|text in all the tables, rows, columns

By Raghav Khunger published on 07-03-2013

If you want to search a string|text in all the tables, rows, columns below script will….(more)


How to Install .NET Framework 3.5 in Windows 8 or Windows 8.1?

By Kunal Chowdhury published on 07-04-2013

I had the .NET Framework 3.5 installer package available in my software collection already and first I tried to install from there when I saw the below screen when trying to install….(more)


Infinite Scrolling Using ASP.NET Web API Data Service and KnockoutJS

By Suprotim Agarwal published on 07-04-2013

The infinite scroll pattern is simply a different kind of pagination. In this article, we will see how to implement an infinite scroll using….(more)


Realtime Maps Based On XML File Changes With SignalR and ASP.NET MVC

By Brij Dammani published on 07-06-2013

This article explores how to implement realtime Google and Bing Maps based on XML file changes by external system. It can be used in many ways….(more)


T-SQL to DAX: Simulating RANK function

By Visakh Murukesan published on 07-01-2013

RANK() function helps us to find out rank of a row based on particular sequence within a sql table or data group within it. DAX doesn't have a corresponding function….(more)





Cannot perform the action because the related web page was not available from your internet browser

By Balasaheb Ilag published on 07-03-2013

This behavior is not common sometime it happen, it is purely related to default program option selection in operating system….(more)


EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'proc_putObject', database 'SharePoint_Config', schema 'dbo'

By Pratik Vyas published on 07-03-2013

MessageEXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'proc_putObject', database 'SharePoint_Config', schema 'dbo'….(more)





Introduction to Excel 2013 Data Model & Relationships

By Purnachandra Duggirala published on 07-01-2013

Every day, millions of analysts and managers enter VLOOKUP hell and suffer. They connect table 1 with table 2 so that all the data needed….(more)


SkyDrive in Windows 8.1

By Nirmal TV published on 07-01-2013

SkyDrive is one of the most popular cloud storage service from Microsoft with millions of users using it as their primary….(more)


Data Analytics : Good data vs Bad data

By Dr. Nitin Paranjape published on 07-02-2013

Why do we spend so much time in cleaning up and creating reports? The primary reason is because the source data is not in an optimal….(more)


Learn PowerPoint 2013 for Windows: Slide Show View

By Geetesh Bajaj published on 07-04-2013

Have you created all your slides -- and now you want to show it in front of an audience? Or you just want to use this slide deck in a webinar, or even see them yourself….(more)