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Blog Posts of the Week (27th October'13 - 02nd November'13)



Testing with Team Web Access using Visual Studio 2013

By Gouri Sohoni published on 10-27-2013

Team Web Access gives us the ability to plan tests, manage full test suite and executing test cases using Visual Studio 2013….(more)


Different ways of getting Path

By Abhishek Sur published on 10-29-2013

It is a very common requirement to get the path of a file relative to the path of the current location which accesses the path. In .NET there are a number of ways….(more)


WPDev Tips: How to pass an object to WP Navigation Service?

By Kunal Chowdhury published on 10-29-2013

While working on an application last weekend, I was in need to pass an object as query string parameter to the other page of my Windows Phone application….(more)


Merge objects using $.extend() in jQuery

By Dhananjay Kumar published on 10-31-2013

Have you ever come across a requirement in which you need merge many objects in one….(more)


Sass: A simplified way to write CSS

By Brij Mishra published on 11-01-2013

Once AJAX came into the market and become popular, it changed the whole web development and web experience as a user. Microsoft came up with the whole new AJAX….(more)


Generate Format Files Based on Table Metadata

By Visakh Murukesan published on 10-28-2013

I'm explaining a method using bcp command to generate a format based on table metadata which can be utilized for the data export through….(more)





High Availability and Load Balancing of a Azure Virtual Machine Cloud Services within a Data Center

By Rami Vemula published on 10-27-2013

Virtual machines in Windows Azure comes under as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). When we want to have complete control on our application deployment environment, then Azure Virtual Machine Service….(more)


Exchange 2013 Outlook anywhere issues when InternalHostname value is set to Server FQDN

By Ratish Nair published on 10-28-2013

This was a multi-site Exchange 2013 deployment with a 10MBPS - 30PMBS dedicated pipe running across site. We had a requirement to ensure local users contact local servers….(more)


How to install Ready-to-Use business processes in CRM 2013

By Roohi Shaikh published on 10-30-2013

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 provides ready to use Business Processes and it is as simple as we install sample data….(more)


Apply Field Validations without writing Java Script in MS CRM 2013 

By Mahender Pal published on 10-31-2013

In Microsoft Development Forums many times we found posts where new CRM users are asking for help to write JavaScript….(more)


The option for the SharePoint 2013 Workflow platform is not available

By Brij Dammani published on 10-31-2013

I installed Sharepoint Designer 2013 and tried to create SharePoint 2013 workflow but there was no option to select platform….(more)


Exchange 2013: DBs not mounting after DC Removal

By Prabhat Nigam published on 11-01-2013

To reduce the load on the server I decided to remove domain controller from one of the node so that I can reduce the hardware….(more)


Best Practices Analyzer cannot collect all data points from the environment unless Lync Server 2013 backward compatibility tools are installed on this computer.

By Balasaheb Ilag published on 11-02-2013

When you run BPA on Lync 2013, you will see the above warning message. If you have not install all prerequisite then you will receive….(more)


Visual BCD Editor- An Advance Boot Configuration Data Editor

By Shyam Sasindran published on 10-27-2013

Whenever we have boot related issues mostly we use to check and repair the boot loaders. Windows has a build-in….(more)





Learn PowerPoint 2013 for Windows: Add Gradient Fills to Shapes

By Geetesh Bajaj published on 10-28-2013

Gradient fills are typically blended fills between two or more colors that graduate from one color to another. Although shapes filled with gradients….(more)


How To Fix Skype Windows Store app crashes in Windows 8.1

By Soumitra Sengupta published on 10-30-2013

When you start the Skype Windows Store app in Windows 8.1, the app immediately crashes, and Windows returns….(more)


How to Copy Process Details in Windows 8 Task Manager to Clipboard

By Ramesh Srinivasan published on 10-30-2013

The Windows 8 Task Manager has several new features and improvements. Of which, one of the nice additions to the Windows 8 Task Manager….(more)


How to: Enable Local Administrator Account in Windows 8.1

By Shantanu Kaushik published on 10-31-2013

This post is a collection of steps on How to enable local administrator account in Windows 8.1. The same steps can be followed….(more)


Work Folders in Windows 8.1

By Anand Khanse published on 11-01-2013

Windows 8.1 introduces a new feature called Work Folders. If you have to work from anywhere from your different devices, then Work Folders….(more)