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Virtually Yours..

Iftekhar's blog on Technologies touching lives

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for NextGen Threat Protection

Traditionally detecting and responding to cyber threats always relied on understanding precedence,...

Date: 02/25/2018

The Game of Phishing – How to beat your Opponent

With more than 1.4 Billion clear text user credentials accumulated and up for grabs in the dark web...

Date: 12/18/2017

My Article on CIO Review Magazine : Stay Updated, Stay Protected

In the increasingly dynamic world of cyber threats where threat landscape is changing by seconds,...

Date: 11/19/2017

My Book Project : Windows 10 for Enterprise Administrators

With more and more customers adopting Windows 10 as preferred Operating System as their preferred...

Date: 09/28/2017

Windows 10 Device Guard against Malware Intrusion

I hope you all found my previous post on Threat Mitigation capabilities of Windows 10 helpful in how...

Date: 09/20/2017

Threat Mitigations in Windows 10

Traditionally Operating system releases from Microsoft used to happen once in few years and the time...

Date: 08/28/2017

Returning to Blogosphere

I know its been a while (read ages) I have blogged as I did let other things both at work and home...

Date: 08/27/2017

Reimagining Enterprise Mobility – Part 2

In the Part 1 of this series, we discussed how Mobility and flexible workstyle investments are so...

Date: 10/10/2014

Microsoft unveils Windows 10

Today in San Francisco, Microsoft unveils Windows 10, the next Windows Operating System Platform....

Date: 09/30/2014

Reimagining Enterprise Mobility: Microsoft Mobility Stack–Part 1

Enterprise mobility is more than a set of services which an organizations can deploy to enable a...

Date: 09/01/2014

Comeback Post–My thoughts on Enterprise Mobility

Okay.. After two years of asylum, I decided to come back to Blogosphere ( Homeland eh?) as I was...

Date: 08/26/2014

Coming back Soon…

Dear all, I know I’ve been kind of away for an extended period from blogging, there has been quite a...

Date: 09/29/2013

Microsoft Surface Keynote now available on Demand

  If you were not hooked up to your twitter timeline or Live blogging sites about Microsoft...

Date: 06/19/2012

Hyper V in Windows Server 2012 at TechEd 2012

At TechEd North America, which is happing right now in Orlando, Microsoft has demoed some great...

Date: 06/13/2012

All New Windows Server ‘8’ Hyper V Component Architecture Poster

Microsoft has just released brand new Windows Server ‘8’ Hyper V Component architecture poster, if...

Date: 03/14/2012

System Center 2012 Support for “Windows Server 8 Beta” CTP Now available

  While we are gearing up for General availability of System Center 2012, SC product group is...

Date: 03/12/2012

Microsoft Management Summit 2012 : Las Vegas, Here I Come, Again!

This is the time of the year when anybody who works on Microsoft Virtualization and System Center...

Date: 03/07/2012

Online Workshop: Automated Audit of Windows, UNIX and Linux Servers with Operations Manager 2007 R2

My colleague Nikunj is delivering an online workshop for our Microsoft partners on Automating Audit...

Date: 09/13/2011

Sneak Peak into Hyper V vNext in ‘Windows Server 8’

If you haven't seen it already, we gave a sneak peak into next release of Hyper V coming with...

Date: 07/19/2011

Bollywood Bytes: My first Windows Phone App

I am happy to announce my first app for Windows Phone 7 is now available at Marketplace. I am not...

Date: 07/13/2011

PTS Power Start Workshop : Understanding the Latest Management Packs for Operations Manager 2007 R2, SharePoint 2010 and Exchange 2010

Dear Microsoft Partners, My team is delivering some great webinars on Microsoft System Center...

Date: 07/06/2011

Private Cloud Management with VMM 2012 (Part 3): Adding an update server and enable orchestrated update management

This article is cross posted from my original post on PTS Official Blog See the first two parts of...

Date: 06/21/2011

Private Cloud Management with VMM 2012 (Part 2): Creation of a Hyper-V Cluster Using VMM 2012

This article is cross posted from my original post on PTS Official Blog See part one of this series...

Date: 06/03/2011

Private Cloud Management with VMM 2012 (Part 1): What's new with System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012

This article is cross posted from my original post on PTS Official Blog I have been delivering a lot...

Date: 06/01/2011

My HTC Mozart is craving for some Mango..

My HTC Mozart is craving for some Mango.. Coming this Holiday season.      ...

Date: 05/25/2011

Hello World:

Finally I bought my own domain name which was pending for quite some time now. I was surprised to...

Date: 05/23/2011

Configuring DirectAccess™ using Forefront UAG 2010 SP1

I am really a great fan of DirectAccess and use it all the time to connect back to my corporate...

Date: 05/23/2011

Datacenter Automation using System Center : Part 2 : Register NOW

Microsoft Partners, if you have joined our web seminar today for Datacenter Automation using System...

Date: 05/13/2011

Get Started with RemoteFX Deployment

      This article is cross posted from my original post on PTS Official Blog...

Date: 03/17/2011

Microsoft Management Summit 2011: Las Vegas Here I come.

Hello Everybody, This is again a part of year where Microsoft reaches out to all its customers,...

Date: 03/15/2011

What’s new with SP1 for VMM 2008 R2

This article is cross posted from my post on PTS Official Blog   As you all know that SP1 for...

Date: 03/01/2011

PTS Workshop : Deploy VDI using RDS

  Dear Partners, As you know, the PTS teams are available to help you accelerate your sales...

Date: 02/14/2011

PTS Blog: Private Cloud– Part 2

Part 2 of the series on Private cloud posted on GPS Blog In my last blog post, I talked about the...

Date: 01/24/2011

PTS Blog: Private Cloud–Part 1

Here is the my blog post which i wrote for PTS blog Hello Everyone and welcome to the PTS Blog. My...

Date: 01/24/2011

Introducing Official PTS Blog

As most of you know I work for Microsoft Global Partner Services focusing on Microsoft partners...

Date: 01/24/2011

Must attend Virtualization and Cloud Sessions at TechEd Europe 2010

TechEd Europe 2010 is starting next week in Berlin, Germany (Nov 8-12) and there are more than 500...

Date: 11/02/2010

Tech-Ed Europe 2010: Deutschland (Germany), here I come.

  Yes, I’ve been missing from blogosphere for quite some time now, was busy with lots going on...

Date: 10/07/2010

Practice Accelerator for Microsoft® Server Virtualization with Advanced Management

    If you’ve been following me on Twitter , You may have seen some recent tweets about...

Date: 08/10/2010

Enable Hardware settings in BIOS to run Hyper V

I would be lying if I say that i don't get this question anymore from our customers and partners. I...

Date: 08/09/2010

Microsoft VDI : Whitepapers and FAQs

With the words like VDI catching up real fast in IT world, Curosity among customers and partners...

Date: 07/21/2010

Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 Beta F&Qs

    Service Pack 1 Beta If you haven't seen it already, Microsoft has released an FAQ...

Date: 07/19/2010

Guidance on updating Service Pack 1 for Hyper V Dynamic Memory and remote FX

I have been getting lots of questions from customers and partners about what are the guidance on...

Date: 07/15/2010

Dynamic Memory and RemoteFX NOW AVAILABLE for Evaluation with SP1

      If you are waiting for the Service Pack 1 of Windows Server 2008 R2 and...

Date: 07/14/2010

Microsoft Virtualization: System Center Virtual Machine Manager Self Service Portal 2.0 RC Released

  Looking for a solution that helps you reduce IT costs, while increasing agility for your...

Date: 07/12/2010

Presenting in TechEd 2010 North America

Its always a great experience presenting in Microsoft’s premier conference like TechEd, this year...

Date: 06/23/2010

Microsoft Virtualization: Hyper V best practices

Are you deploying or planning to deploy Hyper V Virtualization in production and need guidelines how...

Date: 05/25/2010

Virtual Partner Tech Days UK: Windows 7 Deployment

  Virtual Partner Tech Days is currently in progress in EMEA (27-29 April, 2010), I will be...

Date: 04/27/2010

Presenting experience at Microsoft TechEd India 2010

Hello everybody, yeah yeah.. i know its been a while i blogged, actually was kinda really busy with...

Date: 04/13/2010

Deploying Hyper-V R2 and NetApp

Just came across a great article on deploying Hyper V R2 with NetApp with some specific guidance...

Date: 03/30/2010

We Listen : Dynamic Memory and RemoteFX Coming Soon to Hyper V

Microsoft Virtualization Hour is currently in progress and lots of announcements is made to day with...

Date: 03/18/2010
