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HTML5 Blizzard: Full Hardware Acceleration in Action

With Internet Explorer 9 the entire web platform is fully hardware accelerated. Customers will benefit from hardware acceleration on all of the websites they visit and developers will benefit from hardware acceleration across all of the technologies they use (HTML4, HTML5, SVG, CSS, JavaScript, Audio, Video, and more).

We’re excited that other browser vendors have decided to follow our lead and hardware accelerate their browsers. We’re moving the web forward together in a way that greatly benefits customers and enables new web experiences. Browser vendors have taken different architectural approaches to hardware acceleration, both in what web platform technologies they hardware accelerate and how much they accelerate these through hardware (GPU, multi-processor cores, memory locations, etc.).

This post looks at the HTML5 Blizzard demo which we released to wish everyone a happy holiday season. The HTML5 Blizzard demo uses common web technologies together to see how many snowflakes a browser can animate in real-time (60fps). When the frame rate is above 60fps snowflakes are added, and when the frame rate falls below 60fps snowflakes are removed, until the browser reaches equilibrium at 60fps. The more snowflakes the browser can animate in real-time the higher the snowflake score.

A browser which only hardware accelerates some of the technologies used in HTML5 Blizzard will have a lower snowflake score than a browser which efficiently uses the PC’s resources to hardware accelerate the entire experience together.

Step-by-step: How HTML5 Blizzard Works

Background Sky (HTML5 Canvas Gradient) Background Sky (HTML5 Canvas Gradient) The blue background of the Blizzard demo uses the canvas API’s to programmatically create a linear gradient brush and draws the gradient into the background canvas. This entire process is hardware accelerated in IE9 and creates a background sky for the scene.
Holiday Greetings (DIV with WOFF Font) Holiday Greetings (DIV with WOFF Font) Located over the background are two fixed position HTML DIV’s containing text wishing everyone happy holidays. These DIV’s are styled using standard CSS properties and drawn with a WOFF font. All text within IE9 including text styled with user provided WOFF fonts is hardware accelerated.
Snow Bank (SVG Image) Snow Bank (SVG Image) Along the bottom of the window is a vector SVG image representing the snow bank. By using SVG we can dynamically scale the image to the width of the window and maintain smooth, anti-aliased curves. Within IE9 all SVG graphics are represented natively on the GPU and hardware accelerated.
Snowman (HTML5 Canvas Images) Snowman (HTML5 Canvas Images) No winter scene is complete without a dancing snowman, and located in the center of the screen is second canvas where we draw images at different rotations and scales with common JavaScript animation techniques to create the effect of the dancing snowman. Rotating, scaling, and drawing images is massively parallel on the GPU and this entire process takes place on the GPU with IE9.
Snowflake Score (HTML5 Canvas Text) Snowflake Score (HTML5 Canvas Text) Being a performance demo we need to show people how many snowflakes are falling on the screen and we do that through the HTML5 Canvas text capabilities which allow us to draw text directly into a canvas surface. You’re starting to see a pattern – drawing and compositing this text is also hardware accelerated with IE9.
Falling Snowflakes (HTML5 Canvas Image Strip) Falling Snowflakes (HTML5 Canvas Image Strip) The fun part of the demo is the snowstorm canvas which programmatically adds and removes snowflakes until it reaches the 60fps (16.7ms) equilibrium point. The snowflakes are drawn from a single indexed image strip and all indexing and clipping of that image strip occurs on the GPU within IE9.
Return Button (DIV with CSS3 Opacity) Like many webpages there’s a button which allows the user to return to the sites homepage. This button sites at the top of the z-order above all other content and uses the CSS3 Opacity property to blend into the background scene. Within IE9 applying these CSS3 properties occurs entirely through the GPU.
Information Pane (WOFF into HTML5 Canvas Text) Information Pane (WOFF into HTML5 Canvas Text) Along the bottom of the scene you’ll find general performance information, including the current window size and how long it takes to draw a single animated frame. This information is drawn into an opaque canvas using the canvas text capabilities and WOFF fonts. This is a good example of how performance benefits compound within IE9 when features which are individually hardware accelerated (Canvas, Canvas Text and WOFF fonts) are used together.
Background Music (HTML5 Audio) Background Music (HTML5 Audio) On browsers which support playing MP3 audio files through the HTML5 Audio tag, holiday music will play in the background while the demo is running. Within IE9 we take advantage of the audio hardware available to perform audio decoding and playback directly on hardware when possible.
Bringing the Demo Together Bringing the Demo Together These individual web platform features come together to create a fun and fully hardware accelerated winter scene. Everything you see in the demo is represented as native graphics primitives directly on the GPU.

Full Hardware Acceleration

An objective of Internet Explorer 9 is to provide the right foundation across the browser to ensure developers have a reliably fast platform. The HTML5 Blizzard demo is a great example of how web developers will use different technologies together in creative and natural ways. Just accelerating pieces of the web platform, such as compositing or canvas, will improve performance but doesn’t have the same impact as fully accelerating the entire web platform.

What’s your snowflake score?

—Jason Weber, Lead Program Manager, Internet Explorer Performance


  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    in before copypasta.

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    Got 3 snowflakes for IE9.  23+ for Google.  IE9 much smoother, but no snow!  I think my videocard is slow, which shows a bad side affect.

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    I'd be happier if the browser stopped supporting sounds coming from websites. I have never found background music coming from a website enhancing my experience.

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    3 snowflakes in IE9, Firefox, and Chrome. Maybe I'm running an old version of the IE9 beta.

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    Stabilizes at 270 snowflakes. Not bad for a slow PC.

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    Internet Explorer 9 (Platform Preview 7, the latest public version) / AMD Phenom 2,2 GHz / nVIDIA GeForce 9300 GE Snowflakes on average in 1700, not bad. (Sorry my bad English language) ;)

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    The snowflake animation stops when I right click on the page background, it that intentional? Neither Firefox 4 nor Chrome have that behaviour.

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    Everyone knows that each browser maker makes their demo of the particular things they do slightly faster, and then use the multiplier effect to make the gap seem visibly bigger. Oh, we can animate an item on screen 0.1 seconds faster than the other guy because we have access to low-level apis, great let's do something no one would ever do on a real webpage and run 2000 individual animation loops at once to make something inperceptably faster on the small scale be very visibly faster on the large scale. Fish, snowflakes, speed read are all iterations of MS's one thing they do better, as is Kracken for Mozilla, they're amusing to watch but no real-world test.

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    Chris Pearce: Apparently the problem has been corrected. Internet Explorer Beta version: Blizzard animation stops. - Latest Internet Explorer pre-version: Blizzard animation does not stop.

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    "What’s your snowflake score?" Not very interesting to measure unfortunately as there's no audio for Firefox 4. Why not add Vorbis audio to HTML5 Blizzard? You've done it privately and accidentally publicly. Now do it publicly intentionally. It's easy. The action I'd most like to see is Microsoft being a good web citizen.

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    So I decided to eat my own dogfood and try to find a good html5 test, the merits of are debatable but they do at least show you what next-gen features are supported by your browser. As a web dev I couldn't believe this IE9 beta doesn't support Geolocation or Web Workers, 2 of the key next-gen things I was looking forward to using, hopefully they'll be in final version. Please I ask you, the snowflakes are fast enough, please focus on implementing more of the spec. I don't have to go all Knuth on you about Premature Optomization, do I? :)

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    after reading this I tried it on my machine core 2 duo t8300 2.4 gig with 2 gigs of ram and an intel integrated card Vista sp2 x64. The IE 9 beta this leveled out around 600 flakes, so then I tried the latest Platform preview 7 and leveed out around 1300 flakes. Seems like that area of the browser has made some good progress.

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    Even more interesting. Facebook just tested hardare accelation on browsers and decides IE9 is twice as fast.

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    @amused - is a joke. Why not look at what the WHATWG and W3C actually say about browser conformance: I agree on Geolocation, but WebWorkers is nowhere near ready to be used. It's just in alpha stage

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    So when will there be a site that uses this and not just demos??

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    I hate to repeat this here but once a post on the IE blog is not the latest post it gets ignored. Can someone from Microsoft please make a statement about shutting down the IE6/IE7/IE8/IE9 images at ====================================================================================================== This was THE most useful resource for testing multiple versions of IE and the shutdown really ticked developers off! As a long time web developer of Enterprise Web Applications I've tried all the options out there to try and simplify testing IE and the lack of realistic options is a royal PITA. 1.) Multiple IEs - IE8 breaks the functionality of IE6's textboxes - thus its a NO-GO 2.) IETester - works great until you need to test popup interaction and then it fails - thus a NO-GO 3.) Virtual PC with timebombed images of IE6, IE7, IE8 - works ok, but the 12Gigs of HD space needed is frustrating when each full image of Windows dies 4 times a year, running a full Windows image is slow and you have to beg for updates because the releases are not co-ordinated and announced well at all - thus its a NO-GO 4.) IE Super Preview - Last I checked this did not allow full testing of IE user interaction, JavaScript DOM changes, popups etc. - thus its a NO-GO 5.) Multiple PC's to run multiple versions of windows and IE.  With all the hardware, software, and physical space needed - its a NO-GO 6.) IEs - They work, they work just like local native apps once running, and there's no hacking of my real local IE install. - the ONLY problem with these IE's is that Microsoft shut them down Please understand that we (developers) just want something that works.  Testing in multiple versions of IE is a pain to begin with and with IE9 on the horizon it is only getting worse. I'm not sure where the issue stands with Spoon, but I would really like a solution worked out fast. Steve

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    @Steve I was worried something had happened to you! Welcome back.

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    @Steve: You're wrong: you do not need to post your comment on every IEBlog post. There's currently a lot of activity within Microsoft trying to figure out how best to address the issues you raise. Testing sites against multiple versions of Internet Explorer is something we want developers to do. This is a very real issue with us. We hear your feedback.

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    @Ted, Thank you for replying to Steve - hopefully he can now observe a period of silence for a while at least. @Everyone at Msft, great work on IE9 - looking forward to the final release.

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    The comment about full hardware accelleration isn't strictly true - the audio isn't accellerated. I don't believe any soundcards, ever, have offered MP3 decode accelleration. It's all done on the CPU. Furthermore, Windows Vista and Windows 7 removed much of the hardware accellerated mixer for the audio pipeline anyway. I must admit though - MP3 decode and stream mixing on a modern CPU is probably <1% usage anwyay!

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    Hmm, the last screenshot is the same as the leaked UI for RC. And I don't like it. I remember the following feedback:

  1. Back button is ugly.
  2. Tabs on the same row. What you did:
  3. Cramped the back buttons and buttons in the address bar together.
  4. Nothing? Only made the tabs look worse (square), as well as added a more boring gradient. So the verdict is that you did nothing to improve what everybody wanted, and you changed what no one asked you to change. Hope at least to hear a reason for your decisions.
  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    Better screens here:

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    @James Lui Geolocation is virtually useless for PC browsers as in general PC's lack GPS location hardware. Geolocation is more important for a mobile browser.

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    @hai I thought chrome used wifi for geolocation sine as you say most do not have gps

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    On my computer, I did get ~2200 snow flackes on IE9 PP7. I maybe benefits from my SSD drive, here, as my GPU/CPU are quite good, but not exceptionnal either.

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    @Yorke : Yes, Google uses Wifi geolocation, but it's invading the privacy of your neighborhood. Microsoft would never do that (or at least, it will be one of the latest to do that). What could instead by done is simply having a field to let you select your computer location (like on Foursquare, Twitter, ...)

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2011
    Got about 1300 flakes on IE9 beta and 2900 when running the platform preview 7 on my Dell Precision 6500 laptop.

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2011
    in IE9 beta I see 1250 snowflakes. 450 in Firefox 4 beta 10.

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2011
    265 snowflakes in IE9 beta on my very slow laptop. But number is still going up slowly after 5 minutes 380 when tab is not active (weird)

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2011
    I hope remains shut down forever. Steve has made me despise it.

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2011
    avg 1950 on Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz, nVidia 9600GT (512MB GDDR3 256bit) @FermyCompany Windows has already a "location" feature (control panel > region > location).

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2011
    3 flakes...sigh ;-)

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2011
    When I do a peek preview on Win7 of IE8 running the blizzard, the animation of the snowflakes stops. (Mouse hoovering over the peek preview.) I raised this issue on connect, but apparantly it wasn't reproducable. Anyone else experiencing this problem? BTW, the PP7 is so much faster than the beta (800 vs 2000 snowflakes), does the UI really take that much time from the browser? But then I can't believe MS has optimised the engine that much between these builds. I'm puzzled.

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2011
    Ie 9 has not made plugin Quicktime working. When quicktime plugin is install is so slow it become useless. Please Microsoft ie9 team, the Quicktime plugin is working perfect on all other browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome) There is no excuse for microsoft to blame Apple. Microsoft needs to make this highly wide spread Quicktime plugin working in Ie9 Many thanks

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2011
    Ie 9 has not made plugin Quicktime working. When quicktime plugin is install is so slow it become useless. Please Microsoft ie9 team, the Quicktime plugin is working perfect on all other browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome) There is no excuse for microsoft to blame Apple. Microsoft needs to make this highly wide spread Quicktime plugin working in Ie9 Many thanks

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2011
    Ie 9 has not made the plugin Quicktime working. When quicktime plugin is install is so slow it become useless. Please Microsoft ie9 team, the Quicktime plugin is working perfect on all other browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome) There is no excuse for microsoft to blame Apple. Microsoft needs to make this highly wide spread Quicktime plugin working in Ie9 Many thanks

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2011
    Ie 9 has not made plugin Quicktime working. When quicktime plugin is install is so slow it become useless. Please Microsoft ie9 team, the Quicktime plugin is working perfect on all other browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome) There is no excuse for microsoft to blame Apple. Microsoft needs to make this highly wide spread Quicktime plugin working in Ie9 Many thanks

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2011
    3928 snowflakes here,seems like IE9 destroys Firefox in graphics rendering

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2011
    I wonder how long it will be before the goons working for Microsoft design a "new and improved" keyboard? I mean, the QWERTY keyboard is ancient, isn't it time for a new and improved design so I can get more things done and done faster? IE9 is just like that. A dumbed down non-customizable "new" something designed to replace a customizable and configurable old something.

  • Anonymous
    January 27, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 28, 2011
    I was browsing some old code on a website that used history.go('some string value'); and wondered wait?! what?! go() doesn't take a string! After searching around I confirmed that there are some issues here with Browsers all working from the same spec. The specs (at least as of HTML5) indicate that a Delta must be specified (e.g. a String is NOT valid) and the Mozilla documentation does indicate this also - but points out that IE non-standardly supports a string. I'm cleaning up this old code to NOT use the string parameter as it is obviously wrong - but I noticed that IE9 still supports a string which it shouldn't!  Will this be removed in the final release of IE9?

  • Anonymous
    January 28, 2011
    CSS 3 text-shadow not supported? :c

  • Anonymous
    January 28, 2011
    YOU may not repost it ... but theres plenty of us trolls that will!!! harharharhar!!! I hate to repeat this here but once a post on the IE blog is not the latest post it gets ignored. Can someone from Microsoft please make a statement about shutting down the IE6/IE7/IE8/IE9 images at ====================================================================================================== This was THE most useful resource for testing multiple versions of IE and the shutdown really ticked developers off! As a long time web developer of Enterprise Web Applications I've tried all the options out there to try and simplify testing IE and the lack of realistic options is a royal PITA. 1.) Multiple IEs - IE8 breaks the functionality of IE6's textboxes - thus its a NO-GO 2.) IETester - works great until you need to test popup interaction and then it fails - thus a NO-GO 3.) Virtual PC with timebombed images of IE6, IE7, IE8 - works ok, but the 12Gigs of HD space needed is frustrating when each full image of Windows dies 4 times a year, running a full Windows image is slow and you have to beg for updates because the releases are not co-ordinated and announced well at all - thus its a NO-GO 4.) IE Super Preview - Last I checked this did not allow full testing of IE user interaction, JavaScript DOM changes, popups etc. - thus its a NO-GO 5.) Multiple PC's to run multiple versions of windows and IE.  With all the hardware, software, and physical space needed - its a NO-GO 6.) IEs - They work, they work just like local native apps once running, and there's no hacking of my real local IE install. - the ONLY problem with these IE's is that Microsoft shut them down Please understand that we (developers) just want something that works.  Testing in multiple versions of IE is a pain to begin with and with IE9 on the horizon it is only getting worse. I'm not sure where the issue stands with Spoon, but I would really like a solution worked out fast. Steve I hate to repeat this here but once a post on the IE blog is not the latest post it gets ignored. Can someone from Microsoft please make a statement about shutting down the IE6/IE7/IE8/IE9 images at ====================================================================================================== This was THE most useful resource for testing multiple versions of IE and the shutdown really ticked developers off! As a long time web developer of Enterprise Web Applications I've tried all the options out there to try and simplify testing IE and the lack of realistic options is a royal PITA. 1.) Multiple IEs - IE8 breaks the functionality of IE6's textboxes - thus its a NO-GO 2.) IETester - works great until you need to test popup interaction and then it fails - thus a NO-GO 3.) Virtual PC with timebombed images of IE6, IE7, IE8 - works ok, but the 12Gigs of HD space needed is frustrating when each full image of Windows dies 4 times a year, running a full Windows image is slow and you have to beg for updates because the releases are not co-ordinated and announced well at all - thus its a NO-GO 4.) IE Super Preview - Last I checked this did not allow full testing of IE user interaction, JavaScript DOM changes, popups etc. - thus its a NO-GO 5.) Multiple PC's to run multiple versions of windows and IE.  With all the hardware, software, and physical space needed - its a NO-GO 6.) IEs - They work, they work just like local native apps once running, and there's no hacking of my real local IE install. - the ONLY problem with these IE's is that Microsoft shut them down Please understand that we (developers) just want something that works.  Testing in multiple versions of IE is a pain to begin with and with IE9 on the horizon it is only getting worse. I'm not sure where the issue stands with Spoon, but I would really like a solution worked out fast. Steve I hate to repeat this here but once a post on the IE blog is not the latest post it gets ignored. Can someone from Microsoft please make a statement about shutting down the IE6/IE7/IE8/IE9 images at ====================================================================================================== This was THE most useful resource for testing multiple versions of IE and the shutdown really ticked developers off! As a long time web developer of Enterprise Web Applications I've tried all the options out there to try and simplify testing IE and the lack of realistic options is a royal PITA. 1.) Multiple IEs - IE8 breaks the functionality of IE6's textboxes - thus its a NO-GO 2.) IETester - works great until you need to test popup interaction and then it fails - thus a NO-GO 3.) Virtual PC with timebombed images of IE6, IE7, IE8 - works ok, but the 12Gigs of HD space needed is frustrating when each full image of Windows dies 4 times a year, running a full Windows image is slow and you have to beg for updates because the releases are not co-ordinated and announced well at all - thus its a NO-GO 4.) IE Super Preview - Last I checked this did not allow full testing of IE user interaction, JavaScript DOM changes, popups etc. - thus its a NO-GO 5.) Multiple PC's to run multiple versions of windows and IE.  With all the hardware, software, and physical space needed - its a NO-GO 6.) IEs - They work, they work just like local native apps once running, and there's no hacking of my real local IE install. - the ONLY problem with these IE's is that Microsoft shut them down Please understand that we (developers) just want something that works.  Testing in multiple versions of IE is a pain to begin with and with IE9 on the horizon it is only getting worse. I'm not sure where the issue stands with Spoon, but I would really like a solution worked out fast. Steve

  • Anonymous
    January 28, 2011
    @IE8 fanboy so you're afraid MS is becoming too much like Apple? :P

  • Anonymous
    January 28, 2011
    Regarding the sound thing, I just propose an idea that the browser tabs which are playing sound should be identifiable. Sometimes, I have, say 10 tabs open in the browser and all of a sudden a loud music starts playing. It would be really nice if the browser can help me locate the tab (with some overlay icon, for instance) which is playing sound, so I can deal with it.

  • Anonymous
    January 28, 2011
    @Mudassir - good idea! I like it...  a little speaker icon just left of the "X" on a tab would be good.. animated to indicate that this tab is playing music/sounds.

  • Anonymous
    January 29, 2011
    How about Server 2008 R2 Support?

  • Anonymous
    January 29, 2011
    How about Windows Server 2008 R2 support?

  • Anonymous
    January 29, 2011
    Apple website (pure HTML5/CSS3) not working on IE9 Beta and ie9.0.8073.6003 (pre-RC).

  • Anonymous
    January 29, 2011
    Apple website break/slow/crash on IE9. Apple website videos (HTML5/MP4) not working on IE9. Apple website searchbox not working on IE9. Apple website visual features/animations (CSS3) not working on IE9.

  • Anonymous
    January 29, 2011
    NOTE: Also (this site) sometimes broken on IE9.

  • Anonymous
    January 29, 2011
    Je suis la beta 9 depuis sa sortie 1 souci avec le module de téléchargement : il ne permet pas de finaliser certains téléchargements... d'autant plus embêtant quand il s'agit de télécharger le pack office sur la boutique en ligne Office pour les Etudiants ... Du coup j'ai du me rabattre sur un poste avec IE8... et transférer le béb sur une clé USB 1 score décevant avec HTML5 Blizzard de... 3 flocons Ma machine est has been ?? ça m'étonnerais ;-) Lenovo T61P avec 4 Giga La preuve en image avec toutes les caractéristiques du PC : Le seul truc qui fait monter le score, c'est de fermer tous les onglets... Avec 1 onglet supplémentaire, je patine a 82 Alors si vous avez une explication ;-)

  • Anonymous
    January 29, 2011
    Windows 7 64 bit + ATI Radeon X1800 GTO + IE 9 = No hardware acceleration. The checkbox is grayed. I think the problem is WDDM 1.0 driver model but it is painful for me. In my opinion, this is not so good strategy. People won't buy DX10/11 video cards and Win7 operation systems for Internet Explorer 9.

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2011
    la différence est flagrante entre IE9 BETA (démarre a 3 et va lentement jusqu'a 101 ) et IE9 Plateforme Preview 7 (qui va tout de suite vers les 600!!) Vivement une nouvelle beta ;)

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2011
    @kejserdreng1 Apple should fix Quicktime so it doesn't break image handling in IE as it has done for years before the IE team should care about fixing anything for Quicktime in my opinion. Or at least fix their file association setup controls so that they actually work.

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2011

  • Anonymous
    January 30, 2011
    IE9: 1980

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2011
    @Mudassir, great idea indeed! About address bar: how about something like =>

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2011
    Sorry something like: *

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2011
    For IE9 32-bit my computer leveled out at 2072 snowflakes, but for IE9 64-bit it leveled off at 1829.

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2011
    If you moved the font into the foreground and made it translucent it wouldn't be subpixel anti-aliased anymore, am I right?

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2011
    BTW, if Steve get's what he wants, does that mean we should follow his path to reach our goals? ;-)

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2011
    When you can't do the job, razzle-dazzle 'em. Show 'em pretty pictures and explosions to blind their eyes to the truth. IE9 is incompetent and inept. Years behind all other browsers in modern standards and compliance. It holds back the web and will always be a thorn in a web developer's side.

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2011
    Since when does .mp4 count  as a html 5 audio tag?   .ogg is a free and is what Opera, Firefox, and Chrome support

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2011
    compliance. It holds bahkck the kweb andk will always be a thorn in a webl developelr's sidle.

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2011
    @Mudassir - I don't want so much to know which tab is playing music as to have per-tab volume controls, especially as pinned sites are supposed to be like apps and I have a volume control for each app in the Windows mixer

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2011
    Ie 9 has not made the plugin Quicktime working. When quicktime plugin is install is so slow it become useless. Please Microsoft ie9 team, the Quicktime plugin is working perfect on all other browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome) There is no excuse for microsoft to blame Apple. Microsoft needs to make this highly wide spread Quicktime plugin working in Ie9 Many people rely on itunes, iphone from apple, so if Microsoft dont do something to solve the problem, people inkluding me will desplace ie9 and use Firefox instead Many thanks

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2011
    Jason (and the rest of the IE-team), It would be great if you could get some of your co-workers to blog about the File API as well as the History API. Is the IE-team making any progress there or is maximizing the number of rendered snowflakes the most interesting thing about IE right now? Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2011

  1. ATI Radeon X1800 GTO is not supported. No hardware acceleration.
  2. YouTube video time codes are transparent in IE9 Beta when I use the following setting: <param name="wmode" value="opaque" />. This works in FireFox, Chrome, and Opera.
  3. HTML5 video fullscreen = browser width & height. I don't like it. OK, I know it is a security reason but it is a very bad experience for watching movies.
  4. F12 developer tools: Where is the "stay on top" button? I've not found it. The "pin" button doesn't work when I use the javascript debugger.
  5. HTML source code view: please, highlight the typed word on the scroll bar as Chrome (yellow). It is useful for SEO.
  • Anonymous
    January 31, 2011
    @DanglingPointer  Good idea!

  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2011
    "We’re excited that other browser vendors have decided to follow our lead " Oh please, don't try humour on this site, that really isn't funny.

  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2011
    "We're excited that Microsoft has decided to follow all the other browser's leads by accepting standards and working towards supporting HTML5, CSS3, WebSockets, GeoLocation, etc." Unfortunately we are disappointed that the level of support of these technologies and the completeness of fixes to previous bugs that still make development and debugging in IE a nightmare.

  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2011
    We are excited that Microsoft has decided to follow as closely as humanly possible the standards as set forth by the W3C and has decided to ignore the utterings of a consortium of competitors that claim to be a standards body for which there is no justification. We are also excited that Microsoft has decided not to implement incomplete and unfinished proposals for standards which will change in the future. A small number of vociferous people that call themselves “web developers” in some forums actually have a very short span of memory and said group would start to complain that the Microsoft implementation of an unfinished standard is no longer standards conformant, once it has changed between the releases of IE. In the long term it is better to wait to have a stable standard and then implement it, rather than to implement it only for the reason to be able to say that it is implemented, ignoring the fact of possible and in some cases likely changes. We have seen in the recent past that some browser makers have irresponsibly implemented an unfinished “standard”, only to have it removed from a later build, because it created a serious security issue. We are excited that Microsoft has decided to go the responsible way and avoid future headaches by the real world web developers that use web standards as they become stable over time.

  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2011
    @James Lui: the link you quote to W3C tests as actually meaningful - if you do read them they put in Red at the top of the W3C it is inappropriate to quote these results as meaningful. Those were a small subset of HTML5 tests donated to W3C directly by Microsoft, even your leader Paul Thurott had to retract his article one that one as being the 'official W3C test'. The problem is we have nowhere near a full test suite yet, although is a good start it at least shows you what base features they support, if not how well yet.

  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2011
    excellent blog ,bravo les avancées de la nouvelle mouture sont excellentes! je l'utilise souvent pour mon travail

  • Anonymous
    February 07, 2011
    Just tried this on a new Dell that was just delivered, and it was certainly impressive, with around 2900 snowflakes. It was a shame that prior to installing IE 9 BETA, the first thing I did was open IE 8 on the new Windows 7 PC .... and it froze when I selected "help" - "about"!?! Never mind!!!