capture your handwriting signature and finger prints
how many authentication IDs can we provide to systems now:
1- UserNames/Passwords
2- Signatures
3- Finger Prints
4- Cards Space cards
5- certificates
there is an initiative worldwide to standardize security mechanisms. users are afraid of buying anything through internet. and as the worldwide analysis says: if hackers keep growing with the current rate no one will use the internet in 5 years. and here comes the identity metabase framework which i will talk about it later in another post. it is an initiative from almost all software vendors. either all of them collaborate (but not unify) or none of them have a future. this initiative has three roles in which card space is one of them.
forget about card space now.
can i represent my identity in a non immutable way ? yes finger prints.
here is one of the solutions : . it is an epad where you can have handwriting signature captured automatically in supported applications like word, excel , adobe, etc...
or you can use their activex control to get binaries (from signature or fingerprints) where you save it anywhere like in DB. the SDK has full sample apps.
i wonder if it works with infopath forms . in this case we can have signed forms by hand.
and even more we can digitally sign the handwriting signature. so we can get best of both worlds. a digitally signed handwriting signature. at the end all translate to a large peice of binary data.
- Anonymous
May 30, 2008
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