[ Formation gratuite ] Devenez un cador du licensing SPLA !
Microsoft a mis en ligne une nouvelle série de formations SPLA disponibles sur le site Get Licensing Ready. Les clients et les partenaires peuvent affûter leurs connaissances grâce à 4 nouveaux modules très complets, tester leurs acquis, et être certifiés SPLA.
Chaque module comprend une vidéo, une fiche explicative et un examen:
- MODULE 1: An Introduction to Microsoft Partner Hosted Licensing Solutions provides an overview of internal use rights and software services through SPLA.
- MODULE 2: The Services Provider License Agreement offers an overview of the current SPLA 2013 Agreement terms, conditions, requirements, and benefits.
- MODULE 3: Licensing the Microsoft Products under SPLA covers product specific use rights including license models for Windows, SQL, Office, and SharePoint.
- MODULE 4: Licensing Scenarios illustrates License Mobility through Software Assurance and other complex hybrid licensing scenarios that customers and partners care about.
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