Hosting Service Providers Play a Critical Role in the Cloud
I wanted to flag a couple pieces of coverage today resulting from Bob Muglia’s keynote at TechEd, where he talked about hosting partners as an important piece of Microsoft’s cloud strategy.
- “Microsoft sees hosting partners becoming more important as the cloud becomes more predominant. "The partner piece of this is incredibly important," Muglia said.” – CRN
- “If a business wants to go outside the firewall in a cloud environment, Muglia notes, the main difference between using Microsoft and one of its hosting partners is that a partner's cloud can be customized better to your environment.” – IDG
The best way to get started is to find a partner who can help you launch an offer based on the Dynamic Data Center Toolkit. In the last year, over 40 have launched similar offers.
I am now on my way to Vienna for the EMEA Hosting Club.
John Zanni
General Manager